15 Foods To Avoid When Your Kidneys Are In Trouble

Your kidneys play an important role in keeping you healthy so a lot can go wrong when they aren’t functioning properly. Apart from not removing waste well, damaged kidneys also won’t regulate the minerals in your body efficiently. These minerals such as sodium, potassium, phosphorous, and potassium can cause health issues if they’re off-balance so that’s why you have to be careful with your diet.

Avocados might be a great source of healthy fats but they’re also full of potassium, which you need to avoid when you have kidney problems. At most, you may be able to have a fourth of an average-sized avocado occasionally.

Normally, doctors recommend whole grains for a healthy diet because they haven’t been stripped of their natural nutrients. Unfortunately, that also means that whole grains contain a lot more potassium and phosphorous than refined ones. That’s why it’s better for you to eat white bread, white rice, and refined pasta.

Bananas are well known for being a great source of potassium. If you’re used to eating a banana every day, talk to your doctor about alternatives.

Though canned foods are convenient, they come at a health cost. These foods are usually filled with salt as a form of preservative. Based on the level of sodium that’s in canned foods, it’s best for you to avoid them and stick with fresh ones instead.

A lot of people have oranges because of their high vitamin C content. Unfortunately, they’re also a significant source of potassium. Consider eating pineapples, grapes, and apples as substitutes.

Pickling is another form of preservation. It entails fermentation and the use of a lot of salt. As you might expect, this would result in a high sodium content. It’s best to avoid them.

Tomatoes have a lot of health benefits but they also contain a high level of potassium. Since tomatoes are used in a lot of sauces, it’s a good idea to find alternatives. Red pepper sauce is one example

Since potatoes contain a lot of potassium, it’s best to cut them out of your diet unless