Symptoms Of Eye Cancer You Should Not Ignore

Cancer is a deadly disease that can kill if not treated early. It can appear in any part of the body system. However, there are different kinds of cancer disease that many people don’t know about.

Eye cancers start in the cells inside your eyeball and in nearby structures, like your eyelids and tear ducts. It occurs when the cell in your body grow out of control.

Many people with eye cancer don’t experience symptoms unless a tumor is growing in a location that interferes with how their eye works. In this piece in line with a publication on “Cleveland Clinic”, we are going to have some looks at the symptoms of eye cancer you should not ignore.

Blurry vision.

Vision loss (either partial or total).

Seeing flashes of light, squiggly li, lines, or spots (floaters).

Other signs and symptoms include

A bulging eye.

Eye irritation that doesn’t improve.

A dark spot in your iris that gets bigger.

A growing lump on your eyelid or in your eyeball.

Changes in your eyeball’s positioning in the socket and how it moves.

Please seek medical attention once you start experiencing these symptoms in your body.