8 Signs Your Body Is Producing Too Much Estrogen

Estrogen is the main female hormone responsible for the development and regulation of the reproductive system and gender characteristics, such as underarm hair, breast growth, and the menstrual cycle.

It is very important to control it and keep it at a normal level because excess estrogen can cause cancer in women.

We decided to study and write about the warning signs of excess estrogen in women.

What Causes Estrogen Levels To Rise In Females?

There are two ways that estrogen levels increase naturally and this occurs during puberty and pregnancy. But it can also happen for other reasons. We can get excessive estrogens from the environment or from our diet.

Currently, it is not difficult to increase our estrogen level, since it is contained in foods that contain pesticides, herbicides, and toxic growth hormones. Be careful when buying products in the supermarket – check the description and where it was produced.

Except for these reasons, there may be other causes related to our lifestyle:

Excessive consumption of alcohol and medications.
Heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure.
What Are The Symptoms Of High Estrogen Levels?

Pay attention to these signs and do not hesitate to go to the doctor if you find something that bothers you. If your estrogen level is high, you may experience possible symptoms like:

1. Swelling And Tenderness In Your Breasts

Many women experience breast changes during the cycle and during pregnancy because the breasts are very sensitive to hormones. If you feel pain in your breasts or if you notice that they are more swollen than normal, this may be due to a high estrogen level.

2. Mood Swings

Estrogen affects your mental state and emotions. These feelings resemble the symptoms of PMS. You may feel depressed or anxious, and your emotions can be all over the place for no good reason.

3. Fibrocystic Nodules In Your Breasts

If you have estrogen dominance, your breasts may become irregular. This can be tender or painful. Feel free to see a doctor right away if you have found lumps in your breast tissue.

4. Hair Loss

This is usually a male problem, but when you make too much estrogen, you may start shedding hair more hair than normal. This can cause an even more depressed state. But you must remember that the amount of hair loss also depends on your lifestyle.

5. Weight Gain

You are not overeating and lying on a couch 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but you have noticed that your hip area is getting larger. This may be a sign of excess estrogen. You can also experience bloating and struggle to lose weight, even after dieting.

6. Irregular Menstrual Period

It should be an important signal for a woman when her period is always on time and suddenly comes sooner or later. The menstrual period is carefully governed by the levels of hormones in your body, and if there is an imbalance of one, the entire menstrual period may collapse.

7. You Feel Exhausted All The Time

If you have trouble sleeping, you may feel exhausted all the time. This is normal. But if you realize that you are more tired than normal and your lifestyle has not changed, it may be a warning sign that you need to control your hormone levels.

8. Trouble Sleeping

Excessive estrogen can also cause different sleep problems. You can be very talkative and unable to sleep or, conversely, you can be sleepy all the time. Pay attention if your sleep habits have suddenly changed, without any compelling reason or change in stress levels.

Have you already checked your hormone levels? Please leave a comment below if this article was useful and interesting to you.