Try these watermelon face recipes for glowing skin

It is also a fruit that is abundant in antioxidants, multivitamins, and minerals, making it incredibly beneficial for your health.

Aside from its benefits especially during days when the sun is producing scorching heat, you can use it to make DIY face masks to calm your skin.

If you are looking for home remedies to combat acne, you can try watermelon.

Here’s how to use watermelon to achieve glowing skin:

The nutritious summer fruit can be used to soothe and calm the skin. Simply applying watermelon juice to your face with a cotton ball for 10 to 15 minutes can alleviate skin irritation and redness.

It increases the body’s nitric oxide levels, which promotes wound healing and also reduces acne.

A mixture of mashed watermelon and tomato pulp can be used by those with oily skin to smoothen the skin. The malic acid in watermelon and lycopene in tomato act as natural exfoliators and soothe the skin.

The white rind of watermelon can also be used to calm irritated skin. Just freeze thin slices of the fruit and apply them to the face for 15 to 20 minutes. This will provide hydration and also soothe your skin.

You can apply a mixture of watermelon juice and mashed banana to the face for 20 minutes, as the anti-inflammatory properties can help alleviate acne.

The antioxidants in honey and watermelon can reduce inflammation, while yoghurt can exfoliate the skin.

Combining mashed watermelon with yoghurt and honey and then leaving the paste on the face for 10-15 minutes can be beneficial.