10 Signs you should end your relationship

While relationships are hard work, it is also important to know when you should let go of the person you initially fell in love with. Sometimes, we get so caught up with the potential of a person or the idea of love that we forget to notice some glaring red flags in a relationship. So, here we list down 10 signs when you should consider giving up on your relationship and moving on.

​You no longer feel important in their life

In a romantic connection, if any one partner is not that emotionally invested or does not reciprocate equally then it indicates being less important in your partner’s life. Feeling neglected is a sign that you should end the relationship.

​There is no chemistry

A lack of emotional intimacy between the couple shows that there is no room for care and affection. If there’s no spark left in the relationship or the romantic interest is dwindling slowly, then the relationship might not last long.

​Lack of sexual intimacy

The absence of physical closeness in a relationship creates emotional distance. Lack of physical intimacy and leads to dissatisfaction in the relationship.

You don’t trust each other

Trust forms the bedrock of any relationship. A lack of mutual trust and faith in the relationship creates emotional distance from your partner. A lack of trust breeds suspicion and constantly doubting your partner causes trust issues.

​Their presence is emotionally suffocating

Feeling emotionally exhausted around your partner is a sign that you are no longer into them. A lack of personal freedom and the feeling of being controlled creates bitterness in the relationship. If their presence bothers you, it is a sign you are no longer happy in the relationship.


An unhealthy dynamic in a relationship shows disrespect, downplaying each other, and being aggressive. Grappling with constant manipulative behaviour, gaslighting and disrespect from your partner is a red flag in the relationship. It reflects the idea that ending the relationship would be prudent.

You don’t share similar goals

When one partner is uninvolved in the relationship and does not share similar goals, it shows a lack of commitment and interest in the relationship. The constant discrepancy in goals and fulfillment of wishes leads to compatibility differences.

​Your partner constantly criticises you

A romantic relationship can suffer if there’s a lack of acceptance for each other’s flaws. Facing constant criticism from your partner can be emotionally stressful. One might lose a sense of self-esteem. If your partner constantly tries to change you, it indicates that they no longer value you for the person you are.

Your partner tries to control you

A dominating partner tries to belittle you by controlling your emotions and actions. They try to condition your mind and exercise control over your decisions, which gives them a superior position in the relationship. To struggle with power dynamics in the relationship can be emotionally suffocating.

​Emotional or physical abuse

An emotionally manipulative partner can create an abusive pattern in the relationship. If your partner constantly gaslights your opinion so that you doubt yourself or try to guilt-trip you, it’s a sign of emotional abuse. It is better to break the toxic pattern of a love-hate relationship that causes emotional pain or physical abuse.