A Harvard Brain Researcher Warns You Against These Top 5 Deadly Brain-Destroying Habits

Healthy brain habits boost your cognition and memory but they won’t help if you don’t give up bad habits that damage your brain health. The effects of bad habits will always outweigh the effects of good habits. Giving up bad habits is the first step to improving your brain health.

Dr. Uma Naidoo a neuroscience researcher warns against these five brain-damaging habits.

1. Two Food That You Need to Ditch

Your diet is the number factor for a healthy lifestyle. Food will either nourish or repress your brain power.

A brain-healthy diet includes these 6 foods according to Dr. Naidoo, so she makes sure to eat them daily.

But she focuses more on not eating the two foods that are proven to cause brain fog and poor cognition.

She avoids fried foods at all costs as they can increase the risk of anxiety and depression.

Another food that she avoids is sugar, which is a real challenge as we now live in a sugar land.

The food industry has sneaked in sugar in everything. All pre-packed, processed foods are dripping with sugar.

A diet high in sugar has been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. High blood glucose levels can impair memory and decrease memory storage in the hippocampus.

You can’t cut out these foods forever but you can focus on moderation. The less you eat these foods the better your brain functions.
Here’s what you can do:-

Stick to one cheat day a week.
Switch after-dinner dessert with dark chocolate and fruits.
Meal prep for the entire week on the weekends to avoid junk food.

2. Carry This Everywhere You Go

Your brain is 75% water so dehydration alone can wreck your brain health in mere minutes.

2% dehydration can harm your problem-solving capabilities and lead to short-term memory…