A man who tested the loyalty of his girlfriend ahead of their wedding got turned biggest shock of his life.

A young lady has failed a loyalty test put together by her boyfriend ahead of their wedding.

Having dated the the girl for 6 months, he decided this is the girl he wants to marry.

Withing that 6 months of dating he financed the girl’s baking business, pays her bills and even got her iPhone 11pro max.

The girl until the prank was even asking for iPhone 13pro max and the boy promised to get it for her and see her parents for marriage soon.

So the man discussed his marriage plans with his cousin and asked him if it’s right to test the girl’s loyalty before making moves to marry her and the cousin supported the prank.

They got a lady to try befriend the girl by ordering an expensive cake.

Within few weeks the lady started vibing with the girl like real friends.

Within 2 weeks of their friendship, the lady asked the girl if she’s into hookup before she has a client willing to pay 200,000 Naira for one night.

The girl quickly accepted the offer and even went extra to say she’s into girls too so when similar offer from big girls arrive she should get her on board.

On the day of the hookup date, the man intentionally visited the girlfriend and faked sickness.

They girl got him para and told him she’s going to the market to get some stuff for cake and that on her way back home she will get him malaria medicine.

The man begged her and said he needs her by his side to take care of him but the girl insisted she needs to go to the market.

As soon the fork left the house, the man drove to the hotel where her girlfriend was supposed to meet for the hookup deal.

The girlfriend arrived with the lady and as soon as she opened the hotel room and see him, the girl fainted