A woman who left marriage 50 years ago, returns with 9 Children from another husband.

A family in Kitui County celebrated happily after their loved one was able to return home after fleeing more than 50 years ago due to abuse in her marriage.

Martha Muthengi ran away from home 50 years ago due to severe abuse in her marriage and went to live in Bomet county.

According to reports, Muthengi ran away from home in the 1970s and left her young children with her abusive husband, and was forced to make a decision between escaping or being killed.

Martha says her husband at the time treated her badly, beating her frequently.

When she could not bear to receive beatings again, and with the advice of a close relative of her husband at the time, she ran away, leaving her three children, the youngest followed her when she could not bear the abuse from the father.

50 years later, she returned to a different reception, with some of the nine children she had with her new husband in Bomet, all grown up with families of their own.

In new union that had never been seen in the village before the brothers met for the first time, uniting at once, perhaps, giving meaning to the old saying, that blood is indeed heavier than water.

Martha is now satisfied, she says her dreams of seeing her children still alive have come true, and now she begins the journey of uniting her two families into one.