Abuse Of These 3 Drugs Will Destroy Your Kidneys And Your Liver

Consider what would happen if you completely eliminated all of your particular germs. You will be exposed to dangerous substances in this, which can harm the structural components of your body over time. You should probably stop taking the serum poisons if you haven’t explained why you’re taking them.

As we get closer to the end of this graphic, I’ll explain why the liver and kidneys are the two primary critical organs that are harmed by these medications when taken in excess amounts or divided.

You need to stop taking these three medications right now if you want to prevent harm to your liver and kidneys.


In addition, ketoconazole is categorized as a hepatotoxic drug, which harms the liver.

Several clinical specialists have started to decrease the effectiveness of this drug’s treatment due to the probable liver damage at the prescribed dose. You’ll eventually experience the terrible side effects of consuming too much of it. As a master of clinical philosophy, I suggest abstaining from taking this medication inside and instead using it only topically (on the skin or another outer surface).

Using toxins as deterrents

Amoxicillin, the toxic combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, ampicline and cloxacillin, antitoxin drugs, etc.

I’ve shown how individuals work together with these many antidotes to poisons to achieve desired results. Additionally, you are harming not just your important organs but also the vast bacteria that your body requires to carry out urgent or vital physiological processes. You endanger your financial stability by eliminating them.


Like the individual I checked on earlier, many people overdose on paracetamol (up to 25,000 mg) because they think the recommended dosage of 1000 mg is insufficient. give her and them the assistance they need.

This is a bad idea since the breakdown product of paracetamol, known as a metabolite, can seriously harm the liver and kidneys if consumed at high enough levels. One of the many hepatotoxic drugs on the market now is paracetamol. Please think about trying an alternative drug, such as ibuprofen, ketoprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, etc., if you find that regular paracetamol is no longer alleviating your pain.