Anytime I Visited My Side Chick, My Wife Got A Message. Who Was Sending Her Those Messages?

I came home one evening and my wife asked where I was coming from. The look on her face wasn’t a pleasant one. It was like she knew something I didn’t know. I asked, “I told you where I was going so why this question?” The next thing was, “Give me your phone.” I knew what I did while on my way coming so I handed my phone to her without a fight. Five minutes later, she gave my phone back to me; “I know where you went to and I know you’re lying but remember, every lie has an expiry date.”

I told my wife I was going to the office to complete a job I couldn’t finish the day before. It was a lie. I was going to visit Kate, a lady I started dating on the side a month after my wedding. I liked her the very first day I set my eyes on her but my wedding was so close I couldn’t make a move. I sent her my wedding invitation later on and she responded, “Why are you getting married so soon? We just met and you’re getting married already? Who’s chasing?”

She said it as a joke but I knew better. I knew it wasn’t a joke. It was an affection shrouded in a cloth of a joke. I responded, “You wouldn’t believe it if I told you who’s after me but it’s all good.”

She honored my invitation so after the wedding, I went to her place to say thank you. There’s a way a lady behaves when she likes you. There’s also a way a lady mentions your name when she loves you. Your name sounds different in her mouth. She says it exactly the way everyone says it but it sounds different. Like your name is safe in her mouth.

I kept her around me to assess my chances with her. I was married but she didn’t care. She said she loved me all the same and it was sad that she didn’t meet me earlier. We started a backyard garden with the understanding that it wouldn’t affect the main farm I was cultivating with my wife. She knew the time to call and the time not to call. After 6 p.m, I was not supposed to hear from her.

It worked without fail until security was breached. When my wife asked me those questions on my return, I knew she was holding on to something. Each evening when I was coming home from work, I made sure I deleted every message from her. That’s why when my wife requested my phone, I gave it out to her without putting up a fight.

I left the office very early to see Kate. I stayed with her until it was a little bit late before I went home. I’d already prepared my excuses just in case. That day when I got home my wife didn’t ask any questions. She put it to me; “You went to Kate’s house, I know. Tell me I’m lying so I show you the evidence.”

My heart fell into my mouth. I was quivering and wondering how she got to know. I asked, “Who is Kate and why do you think I should be coming from her place?” She retorted, “Don’t play dumb with me. You think I don’t know? You think I don’t see what you’re doing out there? Go on, Deny it. Are you not coming from Kate?”

I said, “You tell me who Kate is. Maybe you’re getting the name wrong. Or whoever is giving you the information is giving the wrong information. I deal with a lot of women in my line of work. It could be anybody but not Kate and I can assure you I’m not seeing anyone at work or outside of work. Why are you allowing the devil to plant a seed of discord in our marriage? Who are you talking to? Why do you believe this person so much?”

She mellowed. Tears well up in her eyes. “Something is going on and what I’m hearing is not wrong. I can feel it. Can you swear with the Bible that you’re not seeing anyone else?”

I answered, “Which of the Bibles should I use to swear, the Old or the New Testament?” Just bring it and tell me what to say. I can swear on my life that I’m not seeing anyone else.”

She left me and went inside. I was shocked she bought my explanation but wives are like that. They always want something to believe. Something to convince them that every bad news about their marriage is a lie and the only truth is that they have a good marriage. She believed me but she told me she was going to open her eyes very wide to see what was going on.

That night I couldn’t sleep. “Is someone from Kate’s circle feeding my wife information? Or she has cloned my phone to read my messages before I delete them? No, she’s not that tech-savvy to even think about that possibility.”

I started making changes. I told Kate not to text me on WhatsApp again. I told her to text if only what she had to say had nothing to do with our relationship. I changed my phone’s password. I deleted my WhatsApp and installed it again. I was tightening up security. I asked Kate if she knew anyone who could give my wife information. She laughed at the possibility.

A month or so later, I was on top of Kate when I saw my wife calling. My wife didn’t call my phone twice. When I missed her call, she would wait until I called back but that day, the call kept coming and coming until I stretched my hand and turned over the face of the phone.

After everything when I checked my phone again, she had called over twenty times with several text messages. She said, “You’re busy making love with Kate so you won’t pick up my calls? When you are done, don’t come back home. Stay there.”

Something was wrong. “Or she has a camera on me? Has she hired a spy to follow me around? What’s happening?”

That evening, I decided to go home and confess to her so would tell me how she was able to see me. The precision of her suspicion got me scared.

In the car going home, the voice of the devil got louder it swallowed the voice of my conscience which wanted to confess. I got home and went straight to the bedroom. She followed. Before she could say a word, I lifted my finger and pointed it at her nose and said, “I’m warning you, the next time you tell me those silly things again, this marriage won’t survive. What kind of nonsense is that? Why are you allowing yourself to be used against this marriage?”

I didn’t wait for her to get angry first. I met her with anger so it turned into give and take. I asked her to provide evidence. She couldn’t. I asked her to show me who had been giving her the information, but she didn’t. I reported the issue to her parents and they called both of us. They asked her specifically to provide evidence and she couldn’t. All she said was, “I know where I’m getting my information. Why can’t he prove me wrong? Ask him why he didn’t pick up my calls that evening. Where was he?”

She knew the story but had no evidence to back it up. I won. Her parents asked her to apologize to me and promise never to listen to gossip again. They turned to me and said, “If there’s some truth in her accusations, you’re the only one who knows it. Stop it if you’re doing what she says you are doing. Sometimes, there’s a little truth in every rumour.”

I pulled away from Kate for a while. I wanted to know where the leakage was coming from. I didn’t know what the next story would be so I was very careful. It took me three months and some days to be able to visit her again.

Kate uses two phones. The second phone was on her table while she was in the kitchen heating food. A lot of messages kept popping up on her phone so I picked it up to see what was happening.

They were messages from Facebook Messenger and it had my wife’s name as the sender. She asked, “Have you seen him going in? Should I be on my way?”

The phone was locked so I could only read from the notification centre. I didn’t say a word. I put the phone down quietly and left the room without telling Kate I was Leaving. I was on my way when I saw her call. I told her, “I’m around. I would be back very soon.” I switched off my phone and went home to see my wife seated with her phone in her hand. I asked, “Are you going somewhere? Looking at the way you’re dressed.”

She didn’t respond. I went in, did the sign of the cross and threw myself into the bed. The betrayer, the snitcher was from within. Why would she do that?”

I got the answer so many months later. She didn’t go straight to the point but I deduced from the things she said that she wanted my wife to find out so our marriage would collapse. In her mind, she could only stand a chance when my marriage was over. I put it to her, “That is the only reason why you would do that, right? Else what would make you create a fake account and use it to forward information to my wife?”

That day was the end game. She was going to give my wife directions to her house so she would come and meet me there. On a normal day, I wouldn’t check her phone but the fact that I did means God was willing to give me a second chance to choose my marriage over infidelity.

I’ve never looked back since that day. I’ve never watched any woman twice. Any time I read Proverbs 5:18-20, I feel like the message there was fashioned for me. So I look at my wife and be grateful that she’s still my wife. There’s a reason I chose her and that reason still remains very true.