Are There Foods that Cause Mouth Sores?

For a long time, the idea that some foods cause mouth sores was widespread. However, these are not direct triggers of this condition….CONTINUE READING

What happens is that some increase the susceptibility to suffer them, or tend to worsen the symptoms when they are already present. Are you interested in knowing what they are?

First of all, it’s worth remembering that sores are also called ‘aphthous ulcers’ or ‘mouth ulcers’

. They are lesions of loss of continuity of the mucosa of the mouth. They are usually small, multiple, recurrent, and sometimes very painful.

Their exact cause is not established; they are often associated with irritation caused by sharp teeth, dental appliances, consumption of very hot foods, and smoking. In addition, it has been determined that some foods tend to exacerbate them. These are detailed in the following space. Read on!

Mouth sores are the loss or erosion of the delicate tissue that lines the mouth,

also called mucous membrane. They are small, ulcer-like lesions

with a reddened surrounding. At first, they look like a small vesicular lesion, which then ruptures early.

They usually cause pain, but most heal on their own within two weeks, leaving no sequelae. They sometimes start as reddish spots that progress to whitish spots and then to painful grayish ulcers. They are shallow and maintain a reddish, raised halo.
Characteristically, in addition to pain, there is increased sensitivity and even a burning sensation

. When accompanied by fever, swollen lymph nodes, or cough, a possible infection should be suspected.

Although there is no specific etiology known to cause mouth sores, there are factors that influence the precipitation or worsening of outbreaks. This encompasses the following:

In a thesis

from the University of Santiago de Compostela, researchers determined that micronutrients and macronutrients in the diet have no effect on the appearance of mouth sores. On the other hand, alcoholic beverages and caffeine do seem to increase the risk of this condition.

However, there are no studies that prove that a specific type of food causes these lesions. For now, some varieties have been identified that precipitate or worsen the symptoms. We reveal them below.

As detailed in an article reported in the National Center for Biotechnology Information

as detailed in an article in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, consuming acidic fruits can further irritate the inflamed lining of the mouth

. Because of this, they can cause more pain and discomfort in the case of sores. Some examples of these fruits are as follows:

Tomatoes and their derivatives are also characterized by a high level of acidity. For this reason, their consumption is not recommended until the lesions in the mouth have healed

. Eating them can worsen irritation and pain in the mucous membranes of the mouth. It may even lead to the appearance of new sores.

Chocolate contains an alkaloid calledobromidethat tends to cause mouth sensitivity in some people. A publication via Valley Ridge Dental Centre

explains that consumption of this food can trigger the appearance of sores on the tongue and inner cheeks of those who have a mild allergy to the food.

Spicy food does not cause mouth sores, but it can worsen their symptoms

. Like acidic foods, they alter the inner lining of the mouth and cause irritation. Curries, hot sauces, jalapenos, and any other spicy foods should be avoided.

Hard or abrasive foods irritate the soft tissues of the mouth, thus worsening sores. In this group are nuts, carrots,

coconut, and radishes, among others.

Although conclusive studies are lacking regarding the role of dairy in the appearance of mouth sores, it’s believed that some proteins in these foods derive an immune reaction that manifests with this symptom in some patients. In general, it’s suggested to discontinue their consumption if there are recurrent mouth sores.

In case studies reported in The Journal of the American Dental Association,

the authors described the resolution of recurrent aphthous ulcers after the elimination of dairy products.

To avoid mouth sores it’s not only necessary to limit certain foods. It’s recommended to consume various essential nutrients, such as folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin B, iron, zinc, and calcium.
Deficiency of these is also associated with the appearance of oral ulcers. To increase their levels, various foods can be eaten, such as those listed below.

In the end, there are several factors that cause mouth sores, but food itself is not. In rare cases, they produce allergic reactions that manifest with this symptom. In addition, some precipitate or worsen the discomfort. Therefore, it’s important to know what they are and, of course, to limit their intake in the presence of lesions.
It should be noted that the treatment of mouth sores is aimed at relieving the symptoms

(with anesthetics or local steroids), and preventing recurrences. Often, they don’t require medical attention. However, if they don’t improve with time or cause a lot of pain, it’s best to consult a doctor….CONTINUE READING