Avoid Doing These Things To your Pregnant Wife

Due to the fact that she is also carrying another living being inside her womb, pregnant women require the utmost care.It is your responsibility as a guy to recognize when she is in the right frame of mind and to be there to support her.Here is a list of six things that loving men should attempt to refrain from doing to their beloved wife when she is pregnant since the health and safety of your developing baby is crucial….CONTINUE READING

Avoid allowing children to ingest too much coffee

The same way that alcohol harms the fetus, caffeine can cross the placenta and do the same. This equals about 1.5 cups of coffee each day for a lady who is fully pregnant.

Avoid allowing her to stand or sit for too long.

Standing or sitting in one place for an extended period of time might be harmful during pregnancy. It can lead to a variety of issues, such as vein issues and swelling ankles.

Help her take frequent, brief pauses to stretch her legs if she had been on her feet or to walk around if she had been seated.

Avoid bringing her on rides at an amusement park.

Pregnant women are frequently prohibited from riding certain attractions at amusement parks, including roller coasters and any rides that could suddenly start or stop.

These rides’ violent action can result in placental abruption.

Hard labor

Once your wife becomes pregnant, you will have all of her support as a husband. Pregnant women should refrain from doing heavy lifting, according to the American Pregnancy Association. Do not let her move heavy objects since for certain women lifting large objects might raise the risk of torn muscles, hernias, low birth weight, and preterm labor.


While using illegal drugs is always risky, it can be particularly damaging while pregnant.

Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is a condition that can develop in a newborn as a result of consuming illegal drugs or abusing some prescribed medications. A newborn with NAS will experience withdrawal from drugs or alcohol.

Drug use also raises the possibility of stillbirth, miscarriage, and congenital defects.

Do not allow her to replace the cat litter.

Toxoplasmosis is an uncommon parasite disease that can be found in cat feces. Therefore, it’s better to change it yourself than to have the cat litter changed every day….CONTINUE READING