‘Avoid’ tap water with ‘sensitive’ peace lilies – houseplant needs ‘particular set up’

Peace lilies are one of the most popular houseplants in the UK, known for their large, glossy green leaves and pretty white flowers. They provide several benefits including filtering indoor air as well as increasing humidity levels inside the home. The indoor plant can also absorb airborne mould provided it is cared for correctly.

While indoor plants may seem easy to look after, peace lilies can suffer from a number of problems if they are not being cared for properly.

According to one expert, they are “sensitive” to tap water. Natalie Devereux, product specialist at Serenata Flowers, told Express.co.uk: “Peace lies are considered easier than some other plants to look after in the winter months when there are fewer sunlight hours, despite being a tropical plant.

“They grow well in moderate to low lighting conditions. They will flower in spring if a minimum temperature of around 15C is maintained in the home throughout winter and their soil remains moist in a pot with good drainage.”

Peace lilies are susceptible to root rot and overwatering, so houseplant owners should bear this in mind when hydrating this plant.

To water a peace lily, make sure the top couple of inches of soil are dry before going in with more water. Also, avoid allowing the plant to sit in water as this will contribute to root rot.

If you notice the plant is wilting, it most likely needs more water as this is a typical sign of dehydration.

However, if the leaves are drooping and turning yellow, hold back on the watering as this is a sign it has been overwatered.

A pencil or chopstick can be used to test if the plant needs more water or if the soil is still wet.
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As peace lilies are tropical plants, they need humidity levels to stay high too, which is hard in winter due to central heating likely to be on.

The expert recommended misting a peace lily regularly to counteract the low humidity levels in winter.

It will also help to avoid overwatering, a common problem many face when it comes to owning plants. To mist a plant, make sure to focus the mist on the leaves, avoiding the roots.

If you have a peace lily, it is also recommended to wipe the leaves regularly with a damp cloth to avoid any dust building up on the leaves.

Cleaning them regularly will allow the plant to thrive as dust prevents it from photosynthesising properly.

According to Hammonds Furniture, peace lilies “need a particular set up” when it comes to humidity and temperature.

The experts said: “They should be kept away from cold draughts, and will do best in a humid room, such as a bathroom.”

They can also be placed in bedrooms to help boost humidity levels, helping Britons to sleep and breathe easier.