Benefits of eating watermelon seeds

When you think watermelon you pictured a red, squashy, juicy fruit but the seeds probably don’t come to your mind. People usually remove these black seeds from the fruit and consume them. But did you know these black seeds have some magical nutrient properties? The tiny seeds are super nutritious and healthy.

Watermelon is an amazing hydrating fruit as it contains 92% of water and is enriched with minerals and vitamins. Its seeds are super-rich in various nutrients. These seeds have a low-calorie count and are rich in micronutrients like zinc, magnesium, potassium, etc. Watermelon seeds boost immunityand heart health and help to control blood sugar levels , thereby occupying a prominent place in the Diabetes Food Chart.

Good fats contain both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids which are considered as good fats. It is useful to prevent heart attack, stroke, and also lowers cholesterol

. Four grams of watermelon seeds provide 0.3 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids and 1.1 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The sprouted watermelon seeds help to cleanse your skin as it is full of vitamin C, antioxidants, etc. Its oil is widely used in various beauty products to treat acne and early signs of ageing. Watermelon seeds are full of magnesium which helps to improve your overall skin appearance. It is used in cases like eczema and other skin conditions where your skin is dry and itchy. Watermelon seeds act as a moisturizer for your dull, dry skin.

Zinc found in the seeds can slow down the ageing process because of its ability of protein synthesis, cell division, and repair.

Watermelon seeds are packed with iron and minerals which enhance immunefunctions. These seeds also contain vitamin B complex also helps in this regard.

Watermelon seeds if you are having weak bones and conditions like osteoporosis. Eating watermelon seeds regularly can prevent bone disorders as they are rich in magnesium, copper, potassium.

watermelon seeds have a generous dose of Vitamin C, they are useful in the management of the symptoms of Asthma. Vitamin C is a powerful dietary antioxidant that can help reduce the effects of Asthma. Although suggestive studies exist about the effects of watermelon seeds on asthma, more research is needed. Nevertheless, watermelon seeds are safe to consume and should definitely be an option for people suffering from Asthma.