Conditions That Can Make Your Breast To Keep Growing Excessively

Human anatomy is truly amazing. Our bodies are capable of healing and repair, augmenting our strength and endurance, and even exhibiting very rare occurrences. One condition women can experience is a medical condition known as “macromastia” or “gigantomastia,” which is defined by the Mayo Clinic as “excessive, disproportionate growth of the brèast tissue that can cause significant physical and psychosocial problems….CONTINUE READING

The condition affects all racial groups, young women, as well as older women and can affect either one breàst or both. Through this article, we will look more closely at the causes and symptoms of macromastia, treatment options, and the outlook for those who have the condition.

Causes and Contributing Factors

The causes of macromastia are not completely understood by experts. However, there are certain medical conditions, medications, and hormonal anomalies that can contribute to the development of macromastia. According to the ClevelandClinic, macromastia is most commonly seen during developmental stages such as puberty and pregnancy, due to the increase in hormones and the growth of the breàsts. Hormone imbalances, such as that seen in polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), have also been linked to macromastia. Additionally, certain medications, such as those used to treat breàst cancer, can also lead to excessive breàst growth.


The primary symptoms of macromastia are overly large breàsts, possibly disproportionate in size and shape. This condition can lead to physical discomfort due to the sheer size of the breàsts, as well as aching, itching, and other pain in the chest area. Other physical issues that can arise include back and neck pain, skin irritation, and posture problems. Furthermore, psychosocial issues such as depression, low self-esteem, and body shame can result from macromastia.

Treatment Options

If the condition is mild and does not result in significant physical and psychosocial issues, no treatment may be necessary. However, for those with more significant symptoms and complications, treatment is available. According to the MayoClinic, treatment for macromastia can include medications to reduce the growth of breàst tissue, and physical therapies such as bracing, exercise, and massage to reduce pain. In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary to reduce the size of the breàsts.


The outlook for those with macromastia depends largely on the severity of the condition and the type of treatment employed. If medications, physical therapy, and/or surgery are used, the outlook is generally good. These treatments can reduce the size of the breàsts and alleviate physical discomfort, as well as lessen associated psychosocial issues such as depression and body shame.

Macromastia is a medical condition in which a woman’s breàsts keep growing bigger excessively. While the exact cause is unknown, certain medical conditions, medications, and hormonal anomalies can be contributing factors. Symptoms include overly large breàsts, physical pain, and psychosocial issues such as low self-esteem. Treatment options can include medications to reduce breast growth, physical therapies such as bracing, exercise, and massage, and, in more severe cases, surgery to reduce breàst size. The outlook for those with macromastia depends on the severity of the condition and the type of treatment employed….CONTINUE READING