Day 476: Midnight Deliverance Prayer Points

The power of midnight prayers are very effective to destroy the plans and activities of the enemies. Midnight prayers can attract the angels of God to protect us from danger. Midnight prayers can clear away every obstacle and difficulty in our lives.

Midnight time is the hour to praise, worship and communicate to God. Somebody said the day is meant for the children of God and while the night is meant for the power of darkness. The Bible says He has given us power over darkness.

The midnight deliverance prayer is strategic to reverse all the evil works completed in our lives. David in the bible knew the significance of midnight prayers. He chose to get up at midnight to pray and thank God for his deliverance. The Bible says, “At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments.” (Psalm 119:62).

Many things can be programmed in your life when asleep. Many things in your house can be bewitched when you don’t bind and take authority. Many evil animals may start to operate at the hours of the night to attack. The spirit of the dead can start hovering in your house when you don’t pray. In fact, it is the hour of the night that many wicked people rises to do evil.

It is sad to experience that lots of believers don’t pray. They give you excuse that they have a stressful day at work and thus they sleep without praying at night. You will wake up the following day with attacks and then start looking for pastor that will pray with you. When you prevent a thing, you don’t have to think of curing it.

Midnight is the time evil powers take advantage of in sowing evil in the lives of people. They carryout the attacks of stealing, killing and destruction. The power to take control of your night is in your mouht and not your strength. Take authority and bind every negative spirit that may want to operate during your sleep. Midnight prayer is the best time to gain concentration in prayers. Those who takes midnight prayers as part of their daily engagement always have testimonies in their life.

In Day 476, we need to rise and wrestle with the powers of darkness fighting us (Eph 6:11-12).

Confession Before You Pray:

► Isaiah 43:19, Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

► Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

►Instruction: Midnight prayers to be taken from 12am till your spirit asks you to stop.

Praise and worship (15 minutes)
#Midnight_Prayers by Evangelist Joshua #Day476

1. Father, I thank you for granting me the grace for seeing this new month. ✍

2. All through this month, I cover myself with the blood of Jesus.✍

3. I declare that all through this month and beyond, my heart desires shall be granted.✍

4. In this new month, may God take me to my promise land, in Jesus name.✍

5. Every evil plan of the devil against my life this month shall fail, in Jesus name.✍

6. In this new month, I shall celebrate and give thanks to God, in Jesus name.✍

7. In this new month, God’s mercy, favour, peace and goodness will follow me always.✍

8. Beginning from this month, I declare that I am unstoppable in every area of my life.✍

9. Every problem waiting to consume me this month, shall die, in Jesus name.✍

10. From now on, making it will never be difficult for me and my family again.✍

11. I pray that in this month, I will be fruitful and prosperous in all areas of life. ✍

12. God of new beginning, open fresh doors of prosperity to me this month, in the name of Jesus.✍

13. Starting from this month, O Lord, begin to remove all obstacles and limitations on my way, in the name of Jesus.✍

14. As from today, I will rise above limitations and I shall testify to God’s goodness in all that concerns me.✍

15. I decree and declare, that every crawling progress in my life shall start to fly higher and greater in this month.✍

16. In this new month, I shall rise from grass to grace. I shall have the course to sing a song of joy unto the Lord.✍

17. In this new month, the angels that are in charge of uncountable blessings and favors shall locate my dwellings, in Jesus’ name.✍

18. As I step into this new month, all plagues in my life are no more in Jesus’ name.✍

19. Everywhere I go in this new month, men shall see me and bless my life.✍

20. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers. I praise You, Lord.✍

Prophetic Instruction: Lay your right hand upon your head and declare this in 21 times. ‘O God of mercy remember me this month/year.