Different Ways To Get Rid Of Cockroaches at Home

Cockroaches are unquestionably the most hated pests in the planet, according to Healthline. They are not just disease-carriers but also a sign of an unclean environment. Do not even mention that they can FLY as well—the horror!

These bothersome animals frequently infest the kitchen or other areas of homes since they are easy prey for them. It is understandable why people continue to look for cockroach home cures.

It is a tried-and-true method to use baking soda to kill cockroaches, and there are two ways to do it.

Just Baking Soda was sprinkled.

Cockroaches can be eliminated from your home by sprinkling baking soda around the kitchen sink and bathroom drain. Cockroaches are known to flee at the strong smell of baking soda. What you can do is: Pour one cup of warm water containing two teaspoons of baking soda into all of your home’s outlets and waterways.

Sugar with Baking Soda.

Using sugar and baking soda to kill roaches is a tried-and-true natural method. The smell of the sugar attracts the pests, but baking soda makes sure they won’t survive. Baking soda reacts with water when the roach consumes it, causing gas to build up inside the roach and eventually cause its stomach to explode, killing the roach. Because they eat deceased roaches, other roaches pick up the lethal chemical and succumb to it as well. To use sugar and baking soda to get rid of roaches in your house, follow these steps:

Use a small plate or the lid of a gallon milk jug.

(a) Fill the container or lid with an equal mixture of sugar and baking soda. This is the lure.

(c) Place a water-containing dish or lid nearby.

(d) Refill the bait and water when you notice dead roaches near the bait.

(e) Place these bait and water dishes in the garage, within cabinets and pantries, behind appliances, and anywhere else you think roaches might live and breed.