Diseases Women Often Develop After Hitting Menopause & Ways Of Reducing The Risks

Menopause is a normal portion of a woman’s life cycle that typically occurs after she has completed childbearing. Although the exact age range may differ from person to person, it typically occurs between 45 and 55 years old….CONTINUE READING

The significant decline in estrogen levels that occurs during menopause can result in a variety of physical alterations in women. Increasing disease risk is associated with this hormonal transition. This article will discuss the prevalent diseases in women after menopause and how to reduce your risk of developing them.

This is osteoporosis:

Increased fracture risk is associated with osteoporosis, a disorder characterized by bone thinning. According to Healthline, a decline in estrogen levels after menopause can accelerate bone loss, making women more susceptible to osteoporosis. To reduce the likelihood of developing this condition, women should take special care of their bones. Regularly engaging in weight-bearing exercises, such as walking or weightlifting, can strengthen bones. In addition to a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, dietary supplements may be suggested.

Colon cancer:

The incidence of breast cancer increases with age, and menopause is an especially significant turning point in this regard. Self-examinations and annual mammograms are both useful for early detection of breast cancer. In addition, breast cancer risk can be reduced by adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes consuming a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, limiting alcohol consumption, and avoiding tobacco products.

Disorders of mental health:

Menopause’s psychological effects have been well documented. Some women may experience emotional instability, wrath, anxiety, or despair during this time. Both seeking assistance and maintaining a healthy lifestyle consisting of physical activity, nutritional balance, sufficient rest, and stress reduction are crucial. If you believe you need additional assistance, consulting a physician or nurse is an excellent option.….CONTINUE READING