Doctor’s urgent warning on supplements to avoid – as they can be ‘dangerous’

A doctor has issued a warning to ‘never take’ four particular supplements because they can carry serious health risks rather than benefits.

During the winter months and after an indulgent Christmas period, many may be turning to vitamins and supplements as part of their New Year health kick. According to a recent survey by Kantar, around 16 million people in the UK are heavy users of supplements and the industry is worth millions.

However a doctor has warned against taking four particular supplements because he claims they are actually dangerous and has urged his followers to ‘never take these things’ in a video on his TikTok page

where he boasts 1.7million fans.

New York based Dr Charles MD, said: “These are the four supplements you should never take as they’re actually dangerous.” He listed Vitamins A and E, as well as iron and biotin in his post.

Vitamin A is a retinol and is needed for vision in dim light and to keep your immune system working properly to help fight infection and illness. It is also important to help keep your skin and some parts of the lining of the body, such as the nose healthy.

However, Dr Charles says: “People think that it helps your skin and your eyes but it can actually build up in your body and cause liver damage.”

The Mirror spoke to British Dietetic Association

(BDA) spokesperson and registered dietitian, Nichola Ludlam-Raine, for her opinion on the doctor’s views. She agreed that people should be careful when taking the supplement.

She said: “Vitamin A, particularly in its retinol form, is a supplement where caution is needed. It’s crucial for pregnant women to avoid high doses of retinol, as it can lead to birth defects. Additionally, foods like liver and pâté, which are high in Vitamin A, should be consumed in moderation (or not at all during pregnancy).”

Next up, Dr Charles listed vitamin E, which the body needs for healthy skin and eyes and to strengthen the immune system. He said: “People love it for its antioxidant effects but it actually has been linked to higher rates of cancer.”

Nichola also urged caution for certain individuals when taking it in high doses: “Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it can build up in the body’s tissues,” she said. “Unlike water-soluble vitamins like C and B, which are excreted in urine, excessive intake of Vitamin E can increase the risk of bleeding, especially in individuals on blood-thinning medications. Therefore, it’s crucial to approach these supplements with care and ideally under the guidance of a healthcare professional.”

Biotin, or vitamin B7, is only needed in very small amounts to help the body make fatty acids and the NHS

states that it’s not clear if you even need any extra biotin from the diet and that a healthy diet should provide all your body requires.

Dr Charles is not a fan of supplementing it due to medical reasons: “It can interfere with your lab tests – you don’t actually need to supplement this for your hair and nails,” he says.

Nichola is in agreement: “With biotin, commonly taken for hair loss, I advise my bariatric patients to stop taking it three days before a blood test, as high levels can interfere with the results.”

Lastly, iron comes under the spotlight. We need it to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body and a lack of it can lead to iron deficiency anaemia. Indeed Dr Charles says a medical condition is the only time you should take it in supplement form.

“Unless your doctor specifically says to take iron, it can actually damage your heart,” he warns and Nichola backs this advice.

“Iron supplements, while essential for some to prevent and treat anaemia, can become toxic in high amounts,” she says. “It’s important to only take iron supplements under medical supervision to avoid the risk of iron toxicity, which can damage organs.”

Nichola, who can be found on Instagram

@nicsnutrition, believes that there is only really one vitamin supplement that is needed and for a short period in the year.

“Supplements are designed to support rather than replace a healthy balanced diet, and other than taking 10mcg of vitamin D during the winter months, or all year round for some individuals who could be susceptible to deficiency, and folic acid during pregnancy, I would advise people to exercise caution before consuming high doses; speak to a pharmacist for more information, as they will be able to discuss any contraindications too,” she says.

“As a dietitian, I always emphasise the importance of understanding that while supplements can be beneficial, they can also pose risks if not used appropriately.”