Experiencing Itchy Eyes? Know The Reasons And The Solutions To It

Experiencing Itchy Eyes? Know The Reasons And The Solution To It….CONTINUE READING
Itchy eyes can be cause by a lot of reasons and some might even be solvable.

When your eyes become itchy and red, you’ll do just about anything to relieve the irritation. But knowing the cause of your itchy eyes can help you find the right treatment and get some relief. The differences between symptoms of allergy and infection, for example, is important to understand so you don’t make your condition worse. The following are some of the causes of itchy eyes and some possible treatment options for them.

Sometimes irritation in the eyes could also be caused due to excess strain and working overtime. Discover exactly what’s to blame for all that redness, dryness, fuzzy vision, and general burnout and how you can find relief.
Excessive Screen Time

We now use our digital devices 60 percent more often than we did pre-pandemic. Because you blink less frequently and fully when viewing a screen, your eyes aren’t well hydrated. When your tear film breaks up from dryness, it isn’t just uncomfortable you also don’t see as well. And focusing for hours at close range leads to eye fatigue, headaches, and blurred vision.
How To Fix This

Ideally, follow the 20/20/20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. But even eye doctors admit that’s hard to do. At least try to close your eyes for a few seconds or glance down a hallway or out a window as often as you remember. For immediate relief, use lubricating eye drops look for the words artificial tears or “lubricating” on the label, as on Systane and Refresh brands.
Too Much Sugar Consumption

Pizza, energy bars, chips these grab-and-go goods can spike your blood sugar. If you have diabetes or pre-diabetes, elevated glucose can damage the tiny blood vessels in your retina. This can potentially lead to blurring, distortion, and vision loss.
How To Fix This

Leveling out your blood sugar

is the healthiest thing you can do for your eyes. The best way to do it is with a well-balanced diet high in fiber. A more radical approach: intermittent fasting. Refraining from eating meals outside of an eight- or ten-hour window has been shown to lower glucose levels, according to a review paper in the International Journal of Endocrinology.
Allergens In The Environment

Climate change is making pollen

seasons longer and more intense one reason your eyes may feel more irritated and itchy and look redder than ever before.
How To Fix This

Pick the right allergy eye drops

. Skip redness reducers and reach for a product that contains an antihistamine, such as alcaftadine. Antihistamines block your eyes’ receptors for histamine, a chemical your body makes in response to an allergen. Equally good are “mast-cell stabilizers….CONTINUE READING