Factors That Make People Look Old When They’re Still Young

It is inevitable that our bodies will undergo changes as we age that will result in an aged appearance. As we age, our skin loses its suppleness and its young radiance as fine lines and wrinkles form….CONTINUE READING

Nonetheless, premature ageing can occur in some people, making them appear older than they really are. Many variables, including heredity, dietary habits, and the surrounding environment, can contribute to this. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the most common causes of premature ageing, as reported by healthline.

Heredity is a major contributor to ageing before one’s time. Genes can have a role in how rapidly we display signs of ageing, just as they can in how susceptible we are to specific medical illnesses or physical traits. If your parents or grandparents began showing signs of ageing, such as wrinkles and grey hairs, at an early age, chances are you will too.

According to healthline Sun damage is another reason why people can appear older than they really are. Damage to the skin from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a main cause of wrinkles, age spots, and other visible ageing symptoms. The cumulative nature of this damage means that prolonged sun exposure increases the risk of age-related alterations. Protect your skin from the sun by using a sunscreen with a high SPF and by dressing in layers.

Premature ageing is also accelerated by smoking. Damage to collagen and elastin from cigarette smoke can cause wrinkles and sagging. Tobacco use has been linked to a decrease in blood flow to the skin, depriving the organ of oxygen and nutrients necessary to keep it looking young. The ageing process can be slowed and skin health and look improved if you give up smoking.

A bad diet is another reason why some people look older than they actually are. Inflammation in the body, brought on by a diet high in processed foods, sweets, and unhealthy fats, can hasten the ageing process. A diet full of fresh produce and healthy fats, on the other hand, can supply the nutrition your skin needs to retain its moisture, elasticity, and youthful appearance.

Premature ageing can also be brought on by stress. The hormone cortisol is secreted while we’re under stress, and it might reduce the skin’s collagen and elastin. The skin may sag and develop wrinkles as a result. Further skin damage can occur if stress-related behaviours, such as smoking and drinking excessively, are adopted. Discovering effective methods of dealing with stress, such as yoga or running, helps slow down the ageing process.

Premature ageing can also be brought on by a number of medical disorders beyond those already mentioned. Dry, irritated skin from illnesses like eczema and psoriasis, for instance, can hasten the development of wrinkles and age spots. Loss of suppleness and a more youthful appearance in the skin may be another side effect of a thyroid condition.

There are a variety of causes that might make a person appear older than they are. Some, including genetics and medical issues, are beyond our control, but we can make a number of conscious decisions about our daily lives that will have a significant impact on how quickly we age. We can help our skin look younger by taking care of it, eating well, not smoking, and keeping our stress levels down….CONTINUE READING