Five Female Behaviours That Men Love More Than Anything

Complex beings, men and women express themselves in different ways. While some behaviors may irritate one or more others, many are valued and can convey messages of love and affection. The five following female behaviors are valued by men:…Click Here To Continue Reading>>

1. A woman who gilds her partner’s horn

Not just women take pleasure in praises. Even though the partner doesn’t actively seek praise, he is always appreciative when his girlfriend takes the time to recognize his efforts and work. Additionally, the male needs to feel confident that he can fulfill his wife’s wants. Then, showering him with praise boosts his self-confidence and gives him the will to…Read Full Story…>>

put forth more effort for the welfare of his lover.

2. A female listener

Man considers listening to be a sign of love and respect. To avoid scaring their partners, men are not used to talking about how they feel about issues. When the unfavorable thoughts get too much to handle and they need to vent, they need someone to listen who won’t belittle them or judge them but who will accept them with love. They feel confident as a result.

3. A woman kissing her lover’s neck and head

Men view this kind of caress as an expression of their love and affection. In fact, a gentle touch to the neck triggers the release of the oxytocin happiness hormone. The man feels his wife’s love and desire for him physically….Click Here To Continue Reading>>

4. A female who publicly expresses her love for her lover.

Men may feel ashamed if they receive a kiss or caress on the cheek in front of others. However, even these basic actions cause their hearts to beat quickly. Your lover will be reminded that you are proud of him and are not ashamed to express it when you make outward demonstrations of affection. This feeling boosts his ego and gives him the impression that he can handle any circumstance.

5. A woman who puts her head on her partner’s chest

He recognizes that you need comfort and security when you lay your head on his chest. Its protective nature will come out in this action.