Five Indications That Your Partner Isn’t Feeling You Again

1. Less Talk, More Silence.: If your boyfriend used to chat a lot and share things with you but now he’s not talking much, it could mean he’s not feeling the same way. When there’s a lack of communication, it might suggest something’s changed.

2. Time Together Gets Less.

If he’s not as interested in spending time with you as before, that’s a signal. Maybe he cancels plans often or seems kind of distant during the time you do spend together. Less quality time could mean he’s not feeling the connection.

3. Not So Lovey-Dovey.

Pay attention to affection. If he used to give hugs, kisses, or sweet words and now there’s less of that, it’s a clue. A drop in physical and emotional closeness might mean he’s not feeling the love like he used to.

4. Attitude Shift.

Keep an eye on his attitude. If he’s suddenly more critical, distant, or just seems grumpy around you, it might be a sign. Changes in behavior can indicate something is up with his feelings.

5. Secretive Stuff.

If he’s being secretive about what he’s up to or not sharing things like he used to, it’s a hint. Trust and openness are key in relationships, so if he’s keeping things to himself, it might mean he’s not as connected.