Five Indications Your Spirit Is Warring You About Troubles To Come

1. Feeling Unsettled or Nervous.

Sometimes, your inside feelings, like when you feel jittery or nervous for no clear reason, can be your spirit telling you something might not be right. It’s like a little alarm system in your gut.

2. Dreams That Repeat or Feel Strange.

Pay attention if you keep having the same kind of weird dreams or if certain symbols keep showing up. Your spirit might be using your dreams to send you messages about things you need to be careful about.

3. Body Signals.

Feeling Off: Your body can tell you things too. If you notice sudden changes like feeling tired all the time, having trouble sleeping, or unexplained pains, it might be your spirit’s way of saying, “Hey, something might be up.”

4. Noticing Odd Coincidences.

Have you ever felt like the universe is trying to tell you something? If you see weird patterns or coincidences happening often, like running into the same person over and over or seeing the same numbers, your spirit could be trying to catch your attention.

5. Mood Swings or Feeling Blue.

Your feelings are like messengers from your spirit. If you start feeling really sad, anxious, or just not like yourself without a clear reason, it’s worth paying attention. Your spirit might be sensing troubles ahead and giving you a heads up through your emotions