Fix Energy Imbalance Anytime, Anywhere with Water Breath

Most probably, you’ve been taking your breath for granted, just as I did many years ago.

But here’s the thing – you don’t have to care!

Because this Balanced Breathwork technique, will immediately correct what needs fixing in your body and mind in This Particular Moment – release stress, gain more focus, calm your busy mind, lower heart rate, support your digestion.

But please, bear in mind – this is not a permanent magic pill- this is the beauty of compound power of every breath you take.

Embrace controlled breathing practice daily and you will unlock a strong transformation within yourself.
So, what’s the deal with Balanced (Water) Breathing?

It’s simple but profound. During my yoga training, our yoga teachers college established a term “Water breath” for Balanced yogic breath.

This scientific-based pranayama (yogic breathing) technique is like sipping fresh water when you are thirsty while staying laser-focused on a task at hand.

You breathe in, breathe out, all for the same duration, ideally minding Diaphragmatic breathing and Ujjayi-Ocean Sound technique.

No tricky breath holds today, just an even, steady rhythm:

inhale at 4 through your nose
exhale at 4 through your nose or mouth
we aim at 4–6 breaths per minute

Our usual average breathing rate can range from 12–20 breaths per minute, which is consider normal average in our hectic western world.

Because it’s all about rebalancing your energies throughout the day.

Water is a powerful symbol of flow, strength and tranquility.

The Water Breath technique draws inspiration from these qualities to help you find a peaceful but steady rhythm during a day.
Take a moment to practice Water Breath together