‘Help! Big Backside Ladies Have Made Me Lose Feelings For My Partner’

Please kindly advise for I have been trying to manage this challenge. Honestly I have fallen into the category of men that have a higher sex.ual feelings with women with very massive backside(yash) than the tiny or slim one and my partner did not fall into such category of my choice. This has made me no longer have sex.ual feelings for her anymore and I don’t want her to know the reason behind this.

I quickly got aroused on sighting ladies whose backside is atleast times three to four of her own as I feeling like touching and bouncing on extra large size booty alone puts me in the mood. Infact nothing that my partner do again that put me in the mood and she is worried about my non sex.ual feelings from me to her anymore but I don’t want to tell her the reason. Atimes I think whether I should jokingly tell her about booty enlargement but i prefer it natural than artificial

Even when moving together with her and I sight this group of women,I will almost lose control but will conceal it from her.

One may ask whether I never see her like that before going to her,please don’t ask so for that’s a long story,all I needed is advice/opinion to go about this challenge.