Here’s What His Post-S3x Actions Say About Your Relationship

The did has been done, but what does your man do afterwards? Does he snore away 2 seconds later? Does he leave quickly? Does he clean himself as if cleaning up some disgusting mess? Does he practice after-sex care?…

Well, let’s try and decipher what your man’s actions after sex means.

A research once revealed that couples who cuddle together after sex report higher levels of satisfaction, both in terms of sex and their relationships overall. As if we needed one more reason to snuggle up after getting sweaty. (We didn’t, but we’ll take it anyway.)

However, not everyone likes a good cuddle after sex, and that’s OK. Here are a few other actions your guy (and/or you!) might like to take post-coitus and what it means for your relationship.
He falls asleep

It’s not the most romantic thing in the world, but it’s totally fine.
He gets really chatty

This could be annoying if you’re in the “fall asleep” camp yourself, but it’s cute if he wants to keep getting even closer to you after hitting the sheets.
He needs a snack

Consider it a compliment that he’s putting so much effort into his bedroom behavior that he needs to refuel.

He turns on the TV

I suppose this depends on what he’s watching.
He needs to take a shame shower

He has issues and is also a onetime character from Sex and the City.
He starts a pillow fight

He is the only-in-movies version of a teenage girl.
He calls his mom

Run! Run away from the weirdness!
He immediately leaves

Bad manners, buddy!
He brings you a glass of water or fixes you a drink

Marry this thoughtful man immediately please!

What does your guy do after sex? What’s your preference?