How To Attract A Lady That Doesn’t Even Know You Are Existing

1. Self-Improvement: Focus on personal growth in various aspects of your life. This includes physical fitness, mental well-being, and career development. Women are often attracted to individuals who are continuously bettering themselves.

2. Confidence.

Confidence is appealing. Work on self-assurance, not to be mistaken for arrogance. Confidence can be built through setting and achieving goals, overcoming challenges, and embracing your unique qualities.

3. Friendship First.

Sometimes, building a strong friendship can be a foundation for romantic attraction. Invest time in getting to know her on a deeper level, understanding her interests, and offering genuine support.

4. Active Listening.

Be an attentive and empathetic listener. Show a sincere interest in her thoughts, feelings, and experiences. By doing so, you demonstrate that you value her perspective.

5. Respect Boundaries.

Respect her personal boundaries and decisions. Never push or pressure someone into being interested in you. Giving her space to make her own choices can increase the chances of her developing a genuine interest.

6. Social Media Presence.

Use social media wisely. Engage in conversations on platforms the lady frequents. Share thoughtful comments, posts, or content related to her interests to catch her attention.