How To Know Baby Gender Without Ultrasound

Instead of using an ultrasound to determine the gender of your future baby, you can take a SneakPeek Early Gender DNA Test. It’s available at 6 weeks and only requires a prick from a finger. The following are the ways to know baby gender without ultrasound;

The wedding ring test

Hang your wedding ring on the string and dangle it over your pregnant belly. Then watch how it swings. If it swings from side-to-side like a pendulum, then you are most likely carrying a baby boy. If it swings in a circular motion then you are probably expecting a baby girl.

Heart rate

This old wives tale says that the baby’s heart rate can indicate the sex of the baby. A heart rate over 140 beats per minute (BPM) is predicted to be a girl while a baby with a heart rate slower than 140 BPM, will most likely be a boy.

Morning sickness

If you are extremely ill during the first few months of your pregnancy, chances are you are having a little girl. Expectant mothers will have morning sickness while pregnant with boys too, of course, but extreme sickness early on is an indicator that it is time for you to stock up on the pink clothes.

Food cravings

Again, cravings will be cravings and they are unpredictable, but as a general rule of thumb, if you are craving sweets, then a girl is on her way. Salty cravings indicate a little boy is growing inside you.