How to Make a Close Friend Fall in Love with You?

Love is the greatest feeling and one just cannot help it in choosing whom to fall in love with. Falling in love is a natural process and you too is a victim now. You have fallen in love with your friend and want him or her to love you back. Well, thankfully there is nothing impossible in this universe therefore, it can also become true. To make your friend fall in love with you first you will need to get out of that forever friend zone. Break the barrier and approach your friend. Since you both are friends, therefore, it would be easier for you to choose better ways which can make your friend say yes.

Check out the given amazing tips to make a friend fall in love with you.

1. Give Them Hints to Make a Friend Fall in Love with You

You both are friends since a long time and you are aware of the best possible ways to make them fall for you. Before you both get too close and start behaving differently you need to give her/him hints that you like her or him more than as a friend. Use simple flirts, remark, or anything that would make her/him tell you that you are sweet, but also make her/him think a moment longer about the remark and question if there is added deeper sense to it all.

Well, it can be tough to behave differently as you both have always behaved as just friends. If you both are new in friendship then doing rush would even make your friend feel that you initiated friendship because of this purpose. Therefore start giving hint slowly. First, start with your body language then go using words. Look at your friend and smile a lot, make them realize that you are enjoying their company a lot.

After flirting with body language it is time to move on to flirting with words. Do not miss any chance to admire your friend as a person not only as a friend. Try to make them feel that there is more in your heart about them. Bring on little by little till they get comfortable.

2. Flirt with Them to Make a Friend Fall in Love with You

The significant way that you’re about to start changing the way of your relationship is to flirt. Given below are couple tips on make it happen the best possible way:

When it comes to flirting, you have to be playful. Make your partner laugh, make her/him smile in your company, have fun with them. Keep things funny and light when you both are together.
You also need to check her reaction or his reaction when you start flirting to make sure they are not getting annoyed because of it.
Flirting should be kept subtle and do not try to cross your limits when you are about to flirt your female friend. Move ahead only after you get sure that she is not minding the way you are approaching her.

3. Make Yourself Better to Make a Friend Fall in Love with You

Things to Remember:

Better Body Language: Adopt the body sign of a confident man and it will eventually make you more self-sufficient. Smile a lot and do body checks during the day to know how you are doing. Stand up straight and maintain your body posture.
Try to know what is in fashion and what can be done to look classier. Go to any clothing store and ask from the sales lady to help you to get clothes which will suit you best. Even a new pair of casual can fill you with confidence.
Try to gain knowledge about things which are important. Know things which are going in the world to build up your confidence level and also be liked back by your friend. When your friend will see that you are an intelligent person they will start trusting you for any decision. It will help you to put a better impression on your friend.

4. Help Them Out to Make a Friend Fall in Love with You

Whenever you are with your friend look for the situations when you can find ways to help them. It will help you to stronger your bond with that person and they might even start feeling for you. You will be a shoulder for them to lean on then obviously they will start feeling something special for you.

Be someone whom she can feel safe to be with. All girls want guys in their life who would help them out whenever there would be any problem. Well, friends also tend to help each other but if there will be no other friend except you then it can be a different case and you would easily get in the top of her friend’s list.

5. Be Yourself to Make a Friend Fall in Love with You

Do not imitate someone to make your friend fall for you. If you really want her or him to love the real you then not pretending to be someone else would be better. Show her or him what is unique about you and what makes you different from others. Show them your strength and also embrace your weakness to make them fall for you. Being your true self would help you to win your friend’s heart forever. When you will only fake in front of her or him to win her then they might never like the real you.

6. Confess Your Feelings to Make a Friend Fall in Love with You

If you desire to take your current relationship to the next level then confess to your friend about your feelings. It may get weird and uncomfortable if he or she knows that you want a relationship and they don’t feel the same way about you and it may even damage your current relationship. Well, it can be scary to choose between two important things but if you really want to get into a love relationship with your friend then telling them would be the best move to take. Maybe he or she too likes you but is afraid to tell you the way you are.

Stay honest while explaining your feelings. Also, tell them that you also would like to friend if there is no feeling from their side. Tell them that you expect nothing and it is your feeling you are responsible for.
If your friends seem interested then ask them out.

7. Give it Time to Make a Friend Fall in Love with You

Once you have explained the way you feel for her or him then now it is time to let them think about it. In this phase try to stay afar from them as much as you can or behave normally as if nothing has happened. This would make them realize how they actually feel for you. When they will miss you they might get to know that you really are an important part of their life. Do not bother them in this phase and le them decide on their own.

Tips to Remember to Make a Friend Fall in Love with You

Be yourself and do not pretend to be someone you are not. Be unique and different in your own way make her or him fall with the real you instead of the fake you.
Do not rush to get results as soon as possible as it might make you destroy your current and future both relationship. Good things take the time to happen and wait for the right time to have things happen.
Do not be with them every time rather give them time after you have confessed your true feelings about them.

Take your friend’s response in a positive manner and do not break your friendship if they want to keep it. Do not let your friendship suffer because of this feelings.