How To Use Mango Leaf Tea To Lower Blood Sugar Levels

From ancient times, traditional medicine has employed mango leaf tea to treat a number of illnesses, including diabetes. Mangiferin and quercetin are two substances present in mango leaves that have been discovered to have anti-diabetic effects. Tea made from mango leaves may lower blood sugar levels and enhance general health. This post will go through utilizing mango leaf tea to lower blood sugar levels.

1. Acquire new mango leaves

Getting fresh mango leaves is the first step in producing mango leaf tea. You can plant your own mango tree at home or purchase mango leaves from most Asian grocery stores. Make sure the leaves are spotless and uncontaminated by any chemicals or pesticides.

2. Cleanse the foliage

In order to get rid of any dirt or debris, wash the mango leaves under running water. Using a fresh cloth or piece of paper towel, pat them dry.

3. Bring water to a boil

In a pot or kettle, bring water to a boil. For a purer flavor, use filtered water.

4. Insert mango leaves.

Add the mango leaves to the pot or kettle once the water has boiled. For every 4 cups of water, use roughly 10-15 leaves. Let the leaves five to ten minutes to steep.

5. sift the tea.

After the tea has steeped, drain it to get rid of the mango leaves. You can employ cheesecloth or a strainer with fine mesh. Into a cup or teapot, pour the tea.

6. Use natural sweeteners to sweeten food.

While mango leaf tea has a slightly bitter flavor, you can sweeten it with stevia or honey, two natural sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners and sugar should not be used as they can raise blood sugar levels.

7. Consistently sip mango leaf tea

Mango leaf tea should be routinely consumed to lower blood sugar levels. Drinking it in the morning, afternoon, or evening is acceptable. At least two to three cups of mango leaf tea should be consumed daily.