Hwentea support eye, liver health – study

The term spice is often associated with hotness and pungency; in reality, though, only a few plants are suited to transmit a pungent quality to the food….CONTINUE READING

Furthermore, it is worth noting that the prototype of all hot spices, chile

, originates from the New World, and thus, was not available in Europe, Asia and Africa until the 16thcentury, although today, foods of all continents cannot be imagined without it.

Hwenteahas been used as a pepper substitute in Europe, but with regular imports of black pepper

from India starting in the 16thcentury, it mostly disappeared. In later times, hwenteawas only traded as a pepper substitute (or surrogate) in times of war and short supply.Hwenteaalso has the same function that is used as a spice. In the olden days, hwenteawas used as a traditional medicine and for food.

In West African cookbooks (Cameroon), the spice is referred to askieng. In its origin, it has been found thathwenteahas its root in tropical Africa (Ethiopia to Ghana), where both the speciesX. aethiopicaandX. striataare used for local cooking. In South America, X. aromatica(burro pepper), has found similar applications among Brazilian Indios.
Xylopia aethiopica

The nameXylopiais a com­pression from Greekxylon pikron[ξύλον πικρόν] bitter wood, aethiopicarefers to the origin of the tree (though most of it grows in Ghana).Hwenteafruits look rather like small, twisted bean pods. They are dark brown, cylindrical, 2.5 to 5 cm long, and 4 to 6 mm thick; the contours of the seeds are visible from the outside. Each pod contains 5 to 8 kidney-shaped seed grains of approximately 5 mm in length. The hull is aromatic, but not the grain itself.Hwenteabelongs to the family Annonaceae

(custard apple family).Hwenteais often smoked during the drying process which results in an attractive smoky–spicy flavour.
Other names

Apart from being calledhwenteain Ghana, names such as *** Pepper, Grains of Selim, African grains of Selim, Moor pepper, Kani pepper, Senegal pepper, African Black Pepper, Ethiopian Pepper, etc. are attached to Xylopiaaethiopica.
Nutritional content

Ekong and Ogan (1968), became the first researchers to report on the chemical composition ofXylopia aethiopica. Several diterpenes from the bark, fruits and pericarp of the plant have been reported. Four studies (Faulkner et al. 1985; Rabunmi and Pieeru, 1992; Harrigan et al. 1994, Ekundayo 1989) published a review of the volatiles in several Annonaceae species among which includesXylopia aethiopica, and reported that they consist mainly of mono and sesquiterpenoids with typical constituents being a- and b-pinene, myrcene, p-cymene, limonene, linalool, and 1,8-cineole.

Lately, two new sesquiterpenes, elemol and guaiol (among other terpenes), were found in the essential oil of the fruit from the Republic of Benin (Ayedoun et al. 1996) while Jirovetz et al. (1997) gave a semblance of the aroma note from the essential oil in the fruit ofXylopia aethiopicafrom Cameroon.

Fast forward, another study by Tairu et al. (1999) reported thathwenteaessential oil has been found to contain (2 to 4.5 percent) β-pinene, 1,8-cineol, α-terpineol, terpinene-4-ol, paradol, bisabolene, and other terpenes. Another study found that linalool (E)-β-ocimene, α-farnesene, β-pinene, α-pinene, myrtenol, and β-phellandrene. Others, such as traces of vanillin and 3-ethylphenol, were also found.

Among the non-volatile constituents, tetracyclic diterpenes of the kaurane type have been identified; the kaurane structures are based on a tetracyclo [] hexadecane skeleton. Kauranes and the structurally similar kolavanes and trachylobanes also appear in the bark. (Phytochemistry,21, 1365, 1982), (Phytochemistry,36, 109, 1994)

The essential oils of the stem bark (0.85 percent) and the leaves (0.5 percent) ofX. aromaticahave also been investigated. The bark oil consists mainly of α-pinene, trans-pinocarveol, verbenone, and myrtenol and differs remarkably from the leaf oil (spathulenol, cryptone, β-caryophyllene, and limonene) (Planta medica,60, 282, 1994.
Hwentea – ccience

Two recent studies by (Macedo et al. 2020; Osafo et al. 2018) found thathwenteais anti-inflammatory, and hence, can interfere with conventional inflammatory targets. Additional two animals and one in vitrol studies (Nwozo

et al. 2011; Mohammed and Islam, 2017; Moukette

et al. 2015) also found thathwenteais loaded with antioxidants. Another study by Babarinde

and Adegoke

(2015) found that tomatoes infused withhwenteaat 4 & 5 percent levels significantly retained the qualities evaluated.
Arthritis and pain

One animal study by Obiri et al. (2014) evaluates the anti-arthritic effects of a 70 percent aqueous ethanol extract of the fruit ofXylopia aethiopicain a chronic inflammatory model. Extract of 100, 300 and 600 mg /kg was used. The study found thathwenteasuppresses joint inflammation and destruction in arthritic rats.

Another study by Ameyaw et al. (2014) also found thathwenteacan be used in the management of pain disorders including headache and neuralgia. Two studies (Woode et al. 2012; Woode et al. 2016) on animals’ findings establish the analgesic properties of the ethanol fruit extract ofhwenteain musculoskeletal pain.
Glaucoma and eye health

One important clinical trial by Igwe

et al. (2003) conducted on visually impaired volunteers found thathwenteais a safer spice that can be exploited in the management of exophoria and raised intraocular pressure (glaucoma) in instances where the efficacy of the older conventional drugs is insufficient. Exophoria is an eye condition that affects binocular vision and eye alignment. A person with exophoria will experience one of their eyes drifting outwards, and their eyes will have difficulty working together. This study was conducted on humans; hence, it is good news for glaucoma or those with eye problems.
Blood sugar and cholesterol

Two studies ( Mohammed

et al. 2016; Mohammed and Islam, 2017) examined the anti-diabetic effects ofhwenteain rats and found thathwenteais effective in lowering blood sugar and other metabolic diseases.
Another animal study by Nwozo

et al. (2011) also found thathwenteais effective in lowering blood sugar and cholesterol. Howhwenteacan lower blood sugar is what we do not know. However, one study by Mohammed et al. (2021) found that a compound inhwentea, called oleanolic acid, is responsible for the antidiabetic action ofhwenteafruit.
Antimicrobial and antibacterial

One animal study by Tamfu et al. (2020) shows thathwenteacan be used to manage food-borne infections. However, another previous study by Fleischer et al. (2008) found no effect ofhwenteaagainst bacteria.
Cancer treatment

One study by Bakarnga-Via et al. (2014) investigated the antineoplastic activity of essential oils from fruits of these plants growing in Chad and Cameroon. Antineoplastic drugs are medications used to treat cancer. Other names for antineoplastic drugs are anticancer, chemotherapy, chemo, cytotoxic, or hazardous drugs. These drugs come in many forms, including liquids or pills. The researchers investigated the ability ofhwenteaessential oils on breast cancer and found that essential oils from fruits ofhwenteahave shown acceptable antineoplastic potency, and might be investigated further in this regard.

Another previous study by Choumessi

et al. (2012) aims to characterise the effects of extracts of this plant on cancer cells and found its potency. A recent study by Ribeiro et al. (2021) also found thathwenteais often referred to as an anticancer ingredient in Africa, and this supports their assertion. However, more studies are needed on humans.
Brain support
One study by Adaramoye

et al. (2010) investigated the effects ofhwenteafruit extract on oxidative stress in the brains of rats and found that it is beneficial. Another study by Biney et al. (2016) also found thathwenteahas antidepressant potential.
Liver health

One study by Iwuanyanwu

et al.(2010) examined the effect ofhwenteaon liver health and found that it may be protective against liver damage in rats.

ThoughHwenteais safe. One experimental study on animals by Ehigiator and Adikwu (2020) showed that the use ofhwenteamay be detrimental to male reproduction function. The researchers used 200-800 mg/kg ofhwenteaextract daily for 15, 30, and 60 days. So, moderation is key for men, especially those seeking children.
Take home

In conclusion, animal and in vitro studies have shown thathwenteasupports the brain, controls blood sugar, and manages cholesterol, as well as blood pressure. An animal study also proved that it is an anticancer drug; and a good support for the liver, glaucoma, and the eye in general. It can treat schistosomiasis, arthritis and pain management. Finally, it is loaded with antioxidants….CONTINUE READING