If You Notice Your Lover is Not Texting You Back, Do These Three Things

Texting, is the act of composing and sending electronic messages, typically consisting of alphabetic and numeric characters, between two or more users of mobile devices, desktops/laptops, or other type of compatible computer. There is nothing that makes a man feel low like not replying to their messages.

You get freaked out and overwhelmed with emotions. It is really irking, but you should not let your emotions get the best of you. When she remains taciturn for long, then don’t force things out by sending her a stream of messages. It could be that she is not interested. These are the best things to do when she remains silent and doesn’t want to reply to your message;

1. Put Your Phone Down

She read your message but she is not going to reply. This means that they don’t love because there is no way a girl who loves you can ignore your messages. Keep your phone far from you so that you don’t end up making bad decisions. In fact, if possible turn it off and don’t text her again. So take a breath and avoid stressing yourself.

2. Don’t Make Any Assumption

You have probably already thought of all the reasons why she is not messaging you. Maybe she is busy, running errands, not interested or at work. Don’t jump into conclusions. There could be countless and genuine reasons as to why she is not texting. She might text you later. However, if she doesn’t, apparently, she is not interested in having a relationship affair with you.

3. Don’t Text Her

It won’t depict a good picture if you continue sending a stream of messages. You will be the one losing. She will take advantage of you by ignoring your messages. When she sees you are trying to get her, she won’t act. Just stop texting her.