‘I’m a doctor – here are 6 reasons you’ve missed a period that aren’t pregnancy related’

It can sometimes be a minefield trying to track your flow, and it can feel concerning when you’re late on, or you miss your period

, as you may automatically assume the worst-case scenario. But doctors have reassured people that it’s usually nothing to worry about, as there are many factors that can influence your period such as being stressed over something, or even a change in exercise regime.

Dr Neel Patel from LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor

has offered his expertise on what to do if your period is late or doesn’t come, sharing what may be the cause of it, and when to seek help.

“Most periods occur approximately every 28 days, however, a normal cycle can be anywhere from 21 to 40 days”, Dr Patel explained. “It’s also common to have an irregular menstrual cycle which means your period might appear at different times during the month. If your period usually follows the same cycle (such as every 28 days) then it is considered late if it doesn’t occur after one day. However, this is not an immediate cause for concern.”

And when it comes to missing a period, he accepts that it can be “alarming”, but reiterates that it’s “actually very common, and doesn’t necessarily mean you are pregnant.” He said: “Various factors can affect your menstrual cycle such as stress, weight changes, and the contraceptive method that you use.” Dr Neel Patel also shared six common reasons you may miss your period.

“Too much exercise can place stress on the body which in turn, can affect the hormones responsible for your periods”, Dr Patel said. “If your periods become irregular, or stop completely, you may wish to reduce your level of physical activity. Athletes should speak to a specialist doctor who can advise on how to manage exercise and their periods.”

Stress can also “impact the body in many ways”, including your menstrual cycle. He said: “If you’re stressed, your periods may become heavier, more painful, longer or shorter. Or they may stop altogether. Avoiding stress by practicing self-care or having talking therapies such as CBT can help you to manage these symptoms.”

Weight can also be a factor in regular periods as “you may find that your periods stop if you suddenly lose weight. This is because restricting calories can stop the production of hormones that are needed for ovulation. Alternatively, being overweight can also impact your menstrual cycle, causing the body to overproduce oestrogen which affects how often periods occur. If you are over- or underweight, your GP may refer you to a dietitian who will help you to reach a healthy weight.”

Some contraception can also “result in a missed period.” Dr Patel explained: “This is normal and is not usually something to be worried about. The contraceptive pill can also make periods irregular.” PCOS can also cause stopped periods in “as many as one in three people.” This is “due to underdeveloped sacs in which the eggs normally grow, causing the body not to ovulate and instead, skip a period.”

Menopause can also stop periods, and it usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. “During this time, your periods will become irregular and eventually stop as a result of hormone levels lowering. This can also happen earlier, otherwise known as premature menopause.”

But, Dr Patel does say: “If you are sexually active and you’ve missed a period, there is a chance you might be pregnant. This can happen even if you have used contraception. It is also possible to get pregnant whilst on your period if ovulation has been delayed.

“For the most reliable results, take a pregnancy

test any time after the first day of your missed period to determine whether or not you are pregnant. You can do this at any time of day. If the test is negative and you think you may be pregnant, wait a few days and take another test.”

He also advises that it can be helpful to know the early signs of pregnancy. Aside from a missed period, these include:

But if that test comes back negative, he said: “It might be worth visiting your GP to discuss other possible causes for a missed period. One missed period is normally nothing to worry about, but if your period becomes unpredictable, or you miss three periods in a row, you should seek medical advice.”