Insomnia: 11 Ways to Fall Asleep (Part 2)

– Try respiratory technique 3-7-8

This breathing method is invented by the yogis helps to fall asleep….CONTINUE READING

in just 60 seconds, having a calming effect on the nervous system.

It consists of deep breathing that saturates the body with oxygen, which relaxes the parasympathetic nervous system. You wonder how breathing can help you fall asleep? Here is this technique, just try it a few times: you just need to stretch your breath through your nose for four seconds. Then hold the breath for 7 seconds. Finally, you need to exhale through the mouth, stretching this case for 8 seconds.
– Turn on the air conditioning in the bedroom

You probably think that it’s easiest to fall asleep in a warm, cozy room. But this is not so.

In fact, it is the cool bedroom that is best for falling asleep. “The human body sleeps better at low temperatures, so you should consider this,” an advice by Lili Herman. The ideal temperature is 15-20
– Hide the clock further away

Watch how the minute hand runs over the watch face is a pure mockery of yourself.

Avoid doing that and put the watch away from your eyesight.

“Constant checking of time only increases the level of stress, which makes it more difficult for your nervous system to relax and fall asleep

,” notes Sarah Schwartz. Just hang your watch somewhere outside of your bedroom.
– Put on socks

If you are one of those who goes to bed in their socks and waking up, discovers that they have mysteriously slid, you might doubt this method. Of course, losing socks is unpleasant, but it is still worth trying this method.

“Swiss scientists have found out that warm feet and hands are most conducive to fast falling asleep,” says Schwartz. “The outflow of blood from the center to the extremities cools the body, acting in conjunction with melatonin.” Just put on your socks and see if it works or not.
– Choose the right posture

In what position do you usually sleep? Most people prefer to sleep on their stomachs, spreading limbs in all directions. Sounds like fun, isn’t it? But, of course, we are all different, and each pose has its advantages and disadvantages. Sleeping on the back is useful for the spine, but not very good if you snore. Sleep on the side unloads the back, but it strains the lungs. How about your stomach posture? Unfortunately, this is the worst option, as it can cause fatigue in the back and neck according to Sofia Breen.

All that can be advised here – just choose the pose that best suits your needs.
– Say no to your phone

Well, we all would agree that scrolling down facebook newsfeed helps you to disconnect from your problems and in a way relax from the crazy daily routine. But once you get used to it, unconsciously you wake up and start checking Facebook again in the middle of the night. This is because the blue flicker of the screen does not allow your body to relax properly.

“Blue light interferes with the production of melatonin, a hormone associated with the dark time of the day,” Miri Kim notes. It is better to keep the phone out of sight or even in another room. This way you not only help normalize your sleep but also save your eyes.
– Hug the pillow with your knees

If you are tossing and turning, try putting a pillow under your knees to keep your body balanced.

At first, it may be unusual, but it will allow your lower back to take a natural, slightly arched position and relax. You can also put a pillow between your legs to keep your spine flat.
– Revise the day and all the experiences you have had in the reverse order

Troubles disturb you and not let you sleep? If this is the case, then try to mentally “play” the day you lived in the reverse order.

Remember what you ate for dinner, how you went home from work, what happened during the day, and so on. “Recollecting trivial details in the reverse order clears your head and mind from anxiety,” says Jones. In the worst case, you will fall asleep from boredom.
– Wash with cold water

Maybe all you need to do is simply wash your face with cold water. It does not cheer you up at all. It helps “reset” your nervous system. In case you doubt it, just keep reading, because it has a scientific explanation.

“The immersion of the face in cold water causes an involuntary reaction, which is called a diving reflex and consists of lowering the heartbeat and blood pressure,” says Schwartz.

This way you will refresh, relax and be ready for bed.

We hope these tips were useful, and a couple of extra pillows along with a pair of socks will be enough to keep you asleep until the morning….CONTINUE READING