InventHelp Inventor Develops Bra with a Built-In Breast Pump (JKK-175)

PITTSBURGH, Feb. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — “I’m a busy mother of seven, and I thought there should be a quiet and discreet way to pump milk without the hassle of holding the breast cups/bottles in place,” said an inventor, from Lawrence, Kan., “so I invented the LAST BRABREAST PUMP. My design allows a nursing mother to use her hands freely to care for her baby or another child, write, work at a computer, or hold a phone.”
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The invention provides a more comfortable and convenient method of pumping breast milk. In doing so, it eliminates the need to sit while holding a breast pump or bottles. As a result, it enables the mother to complete other tasks while pumping. It also provides added comfort and could help alleviate pain. The invention features a comfortable and user-friendly design that is easy to wear and use so it is ideal for nursing mothers. Additionally, a prototype model is available upon request.