Is there any specific number of hours older adults should sleep to lower blood pressure?

Is your sleep different than it used to be when you were younger? It happens to a lot of people.

Nearly half of men and women over the age of 65 say they have at least one sleep problem. With age, many people get insomnia or have other sleep disorders.

It’s true that as we get older, our sleep patterns change. In general, older people sleep less, wake up and go back to sleep more often, and spend less time in deep sleep or dreaming than younger people….CONTINUE READING

But at any age, you still need quality rest to be healthy.

According to Webmd, the more you sleep, the healthier your heart becomes, the lower your blood pressure and the better your overall health becomes. Some people either out of ignorance or the type of work they do, end up neglecting the importance of getting enough sleep, but research has linked quality sleep time to lower blood pressure.

In this article, we are going to have a look at the number of hours older adults should sleep to lower risk of high blood pressure.

What Number Of Hours Older Adults Should Sleep Regularly to Lower High Blood Pressure Risk?

According to Mayoclinic, the more one sleeps the lower the blood pressure especially in older adults. If you sleep less than 6 hours every night, you will notice a higher blood pressure than normal, this is because 6 hours is not the appropriate number of hours older people should sleep for optimal health and heart function.

As one grows older, the need to sleep more often especially at night increases. You can’t possibly overemphasize the need to get enough sleep especially for an older adult, the reason is that, the heart gets weaker as one gets older and since sleep gets the body refreshed, any old person should always get atleast 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. It doesn’t just end at sleeping early, there is need to maintain a sleep schedule that remains same way for long notwithstanding the activity you are engaged in. Sleeping well or a good number of hours can reduce risk of blood pressure spikes and keep your heart healthy….CONTINUE READING

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