Men Talk: Six Types Of Women That Are Good In Bed

Sex is as old as human beings. We all know how adventuresome Adam and Eve were, till they discovered it. Since then, sex has been revolving from generation to generation. So it’s something we can freely talk about and nobody is agnostic with it because we all are a result of sex.

Of all the activities one can enjoy in the world, sex is easily in the top ten. It’s better than playing or watching soccer and more satisfying than eating pizza or gobbling the expensive liquor in town.

?That’s why human beings are wired to have sex with any opposite gender, once they can’t control their sexual pangs. It’s genetic and that’s how Adam and Eve were created. So we copy after them.

Some men revealed the types of women that are great sexual partners. So I thought you should know, to add to your knowledge base.

Brown women

Nothing fires up men like a light skinned woman. Those brown thighs will leave any sexualized man craving to fondle them or do anything manly on them. It’s like anything brown turns men on, into sex percussions. Men say, brown women boost their sexual drive making them more randy.

Short women

Men drool over short women. They say that short women are good in bed. According to some men, short women are easy to engage in different sex positions owing to their flexibility and malleability (they cannot break down).Tall women, especially those slim are troublesome and fragile (they can easily collapse and disjoint).

Fat women

Men say fat women are so intimate during sex. Their soft bodies ooze erotic oomph and are so responsive during sex activities. They also say such women easily orgasm and one sexual act will dissipate their sexual appetite. Most men say that slim women have the inability to be satiated sexually.

Talkative women

A number of men say women who talk much attract them. Such women tend to be friendly to them, arousing them sexually. They also say a talkative woman will make sex more enjoyable. Reserved women turn men off and make the worst sex partners.

Make-up free women

Men say women who are simple and natural, stimulate them sexually. While women in make-up annoy and offset one’s sexual thirst. According to most men, those thick layers of make-up, thwart the sexual stamina. This is because sex starts as imagination in one’s mind, they contrive such women as fake and plastic.

‘Big’ mamas

Men say these types of women are really good in bed. Their body size is cushioning and sexually fulfilling .Big mamas play pleasurable sex.