Moderate Alcohol consumption is not healthy for you.

Moderate drinking doesn’t protect from death cause. Suggests Research Published onJama network open

We tend to defend the moderate drinking habit as positive for skin health and to maintain diabetes levels. Help to improve blood flow in the blocked arteries. Reducing the bad cholesterol in the body. We can give several facts and citations about moderate drinking wine’s benefits.

But what studies

have found is that the. Women who drink 25 or more grams per day have a greater risk of dying prematurely compared with female lifetime nondrinkers. And among male drinkers who drank 45 or more grams per day. Consumption of less alcohol can also be the reason to get you ill from drinking cause. It is not protection from early death nor is associated with protection from diseases of any kind. The study suggests we might have less study material from the past 4 decades to verify the authenticity of the claim of whether drinking moderately is beneficial or not. But after studying enough research and meta-analysis of 107 cohort studies involving more than 4.8 million participants found no significant reductions in risk of all-cause mortality for drinkers who drank less than 25g of ethanol per day and have landed on the solid shaking conclusion of rejecting the traditional standpoint.

There are Relative risk estimates for the association between mean daily alcohol intake and all-cause mortality. Researcher suggests that the former studies have failed to cater the unbiased result for long period. the confusion between lifetime non-drinkers and chunk who have left because their body doesn’t allow them to drink. This is not an ideal representation of the abstainer in the study. “When you compare this unhealthy group to those who go on drinking, it makes the current drinkers look healthier and like they have lower mortality,” said Tim Stockwell, a scientist with the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research and one of the authors of the new report, which was published in JAMA Network Open

Reacting to these new findings, Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi, Deputy Director, Centre for Cancer Epidemiology, Tata Memorial Centre, says, “I think what years of many articles and reports on moderate drinking have done is to drown the fundamental understanding that less harm does not mean harmless. There could be a safe level of alcohol to reduce the risk but there is no safe level to eliminate the risk of alcohol-related harm. There is absolutely no good evidence of the beneficial effects of moderate or low level of alcohol consumption.”

But drinking alcohol is a status symbol to people and it has been established by visual ads, and movies that drinking alcohol has wide-scale acceptance in society as the activity of adult and premium habit. When it comes to health factors no amount of daily alcohol consumption is good for health. It leads to lower productivity lesser focus on obvious activity and poor communication. It is better to adapt and practice good habits for a healthy life.