My boyfriend of two years waited until i was 20 weeks pregnant before telling me he’s a diagnosed sociopath – Girlfriend writes

A 20-week pregnant girlfriend is disappointed in her boyfriend after learning that he is a diagnosed sociopath. After finding out that her boyfriend has a sociopath diagnosis, the girlfriend, who is 20 weeks pregnant, is miffed with him. She worries that because illness is inherited, her twin boys will also be impacted.

He waited till I was pregnant to discuss this with me. Although I’m now staying with my sister, I feel like I’m bothering her and her roommate, and I’m not sure why. I simply had to leave him alone. Why he didn’t inform me is a mystery to me.

What if he passed it on to our sons given that sociopathy has been genetically linked? And I’m scared.

Although he has a criminal history dating back to his teenage and early 20s years and has done some dubious things in the past, I had assumed that he had improved and had moved past that point in his life.

I’m so hurt and unsure about whether I still want to live the rest of my life with him. I don’t want to give my kids up, but I also don’t want them to grow up with a sociopath as their parent. Please, if you could, help me figure out what to do with all of this.