‘My newly retired husband is driving me crazy — help!’

A woman has taken to social media to vent about her recently retired husband for doing nothing “meaningful” with his time….CONTINUE READING

Posting on Mumsnet, the angry wife said that her husband had taken an early retirement, something he had always wanted to do, but since spent most of his day pestering her while she worked.

She said that she worked “two or three days” a week from home, while her husband stood around her, commenting on her meetings, and even got annoyed when she asked him to leave the room.

She explained that she was due to travel for work in the coming months and that her husband had tried to invite himself along, while also being angry that he was not invited to an event she was going to as her “plus one”.

After coming to her wit’s end she spoke to him and even suggested he could help with housework if he was bored, which he did not want to do, and she is now asking others on social media how to deal with the problem.

She said: “He just stands behind me and listens to all of my team calls, making comments.

“I was interviewing last week and he spent the day in bed in a huff because I wouldn’t let him into the room where I was interviewing.

“I am going to London tomorrow to spend some time in the office and stay in our London flat to get away from him.

“He’s just announced that he thinks he will come up to London tomorrow as well and meet a friend for a drink on Wednesday, which means he is going to be looming around for three days.

“Although he can’t follow me into the office, he will be there every evening.”

But it’s not just a short trip to London that the husband wants to join her on, he even wants to be invited to drinks with her friends, as well as go abroad with her when she takes a trip for work next month.

She said: “He is hugely p****d off that he’s not invited, he doesn’t know my friend and has met him a couple of times at most, and thinks he should be invited as my plus one.

“I’ve said there are no plus ones, it’s not a f****ng wedding.”

And when speaking on the work trip she has planned, she said: “Nope, not going to happen. It’s a city I lived in when I was growing up and he is going to want me to be a tour guide.”

Her post proved popular on the site with multiple people chiming in on what they thought about the issue, and one person said that she is worried because her husband is about to retire as well.

One commenter said: “Oh you’re making me worried as my husband is about to retire and I fear he’ll be like this!”

And a second said: “Adjustment to retirement takes time — but you need firm boundaries.

“Listening in on confidential or indeed any of your calls is totally inappropriate. Tell him what time you are free and happy to spend couple time, and stress that there needs to be work time.”

While a third said: “You really do need to have a frank conversation with him. He sounds awful but he’s presumably trying to find his place in life. You just need to make sure it’s not in your pocket and that he makes himself useful….CONTINUE READING