Number Of Eggs Older People Should Eat Daily To Avoid Cholesterol Buildup

The relationship between egg consumption and cholesterol levels, particularly in older individuals, is a topic that has been debated for some time. Eggs are a significant source of dietary cholesterol, with one large egg containing approximately 186 milligrams of cholesterol, primarily found in the yolk. Historically, it was believed that consuming foods high in cholesterol, like eggs, could raise blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease, particularly in older adults. However, recent research has challenged this notion, suggesting that the impact of dietary cholesterol on blood cholesterol levels may be more complex and individualized.

Several factors influence the effect of dietary cholesterol on blood cholesterol levels, including genetics, overall diet, lifestyle factors, and the presence of other health conditions. While older adults may have an increased risk of heart disease compared to younger individuals, simply limiting egg consumption based on age alone may not be appropriate or necessary for…..READ FULL ARTICLES