Pharmacist warns of key sign of diabetes which you might notice first thing in morning

You may think you know your body inside and out, but some conditions have more subtle signs you may not spot.

Diabetes, for example, can be trickier to diagnose as the first warning signs are not the easiest to spot. In fact, according to the NHS, the symptoms of type 2 diabetes can go unnoticed for quite some time, as the red flags are quite general.

This means that you should be aware of the symptoms so that if you notice any of them, you can speak to your GP as soon as possible – and a pharmacist has highlighted things you should look for in the morning.

Abbas Kanani, a pharmacist from Chemist Click, shared with the Express that you may experience three key sensations during the earlier part of your day. He explained that you may “notice you have increased thirst, or hunger, or feel the need to pee frequently.”

According to, excessive thirst, also known as polydipsia, is one of the “initial” symptoms of diabetes you may notice. Of course, we all get thirsty from time to time, but if you can’t quench your thirst, or you’re always feeling like you need to drink, you may want to mention it to your GP.

Another sign is polyphagia, which is being excessively hungry. Sugar is the main form of energy your body uses from the food you eat, but without enough insulin, your body can’t use glucose for energy. This lack of energy usage can then, in turn, prompt you to feel hungrier and eat more as a result of this hunger.

The final sign Abbas warned about is polyuria, the need to pee more frequently, or peeing excessive amounts. As the excess sugar in your blood can’t be absorbed, it ends up in the urine where it draws more water. This can result in unusually large volumes of urine.