Proven Tricks To Make Beautiful Girl Chase You

Learn the proven tricks to make beautiful girl chase you around like crazy with texts and conversations. Even if she had rejected you before, she will find hard to stop herself running after you. A woman likes a guy who is confident, has leadership qualities, a great personality and you will learn here how to develop these qualities.

Many guys are looking for the one trick that can help to make a girl chase them. So do you want the girl you like to chase you? Do you want to make her fall for you? If yes, then you need to show that girl that you are the perfect guy she can have in her life. You need to act like you are the man of her dreams. Be a boy for a girl and for a woman be a man. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. In front of a woman if you act like a teenager then the final result will be disaster. So act according to your age and show the girl that you are a man of joy and passion. Here are some tips you should include in your plan to get woman or girl chase you.


A great personality is reflected by the way you dress, talk and not to forget about your body language. Wear washed clothes, smell good, act smart in your class or working place, go to gym to show a masculine body and the most important keep smiling and make other smile. Just make sure to think that you look best and show the confidence around you. A great personality often makes girls or women chase a man.


The meaning of this statement is fairly simple that if it is your first conversation than be friendly with her and make her feel comfortable in your presence. But, if you are just showing your friend side then this will make her think of you just as a friend, in other words you will fall in her friend zone. After the first conversation, try to flirt with her and keep it simple. Compliments also work great when it comes to attraction. Now it’s the time to give your girl some hints so that she keeps you outside her “we are just good friends” zone.


This is the best technique for making a girl crazy for you. Here we create a mystery for the girl regarding are you interested in her. Giving her clues will actually make a girl chase you because she would want to know whether you like her. Here are few simple techniques to give her hints:

  1. You can tell that her personality reflects to the female character of your favorite novel love story. She is definitely going to ask you about which novel and hence so a research in advance. Don’t just say everything, just let her know few things and this will make her think that she is an ideal match for you.
  2. Sometimes you can text her that you are thinking about her and could not resist texting her.
  3. In a conversation you can describe a girl of your dream having a lot of similarities with her.
  4. You can stare at her and get purposely get caught. Just don’t overdo this or it can make you look desperate. After she catches you, smile and look away. This is definitely going to make her crazy thinking about you and chase you.
  5. If you have a mutual friend than she can prove to be helpful. Just ask her not to say everything about you. This mutual friend can be great for passing on the hints and creating more mystery.


This tip you will find on every article published regarding attracting a woman. Also you may have seen in interviews that girls often want a person in life that is able to make her laugh. This is the requirement of every girl on the planet. But you need to be funny with your humor and not by insulting someone and making a joke of them. If you do such things no girl around you will like you. Hence, use humor to make the atmosphere around you happy and laughing.


The easy way to make a girl chase you is by using this simple trick. When you both are alone casually tell her that there are there things about her that you like the best. She is definitely going to ask you about these things. Tell that first thing is her smile which you will always try to keep on her face, the second you can tell anything you like about her. Now she will ask you about the third one, but don’t disclose it. After this she will chase you and eat your head asking the third thing, but say that actually there were only two things. Even after this she is going to get crazy thinking about the third thing you like about her.


Regardless of how much you are in love with the girl, make sure you sometime stay unavailable or ignore her. Pay no attention to her calls and texts, after 30 minutes send her a message like “hi.. what’s up”. Just remember to ignore her calls just once in a week and not more than that otherwise this will wipe away the feelings she has been developing towards you. Overdoing this can actually make her feel rude about your behavior and she may think that she has no value in your life. Why will a girl chase you if she thinks that you do not value her? On the other side, if you sometimes ignore her, this might make her think that in what work you are busy that you are not replying to her call. This trick is also the best to prevent being caught in her friend’s zone.


If you want to make a woman to chase you then you will have to become a man that can easily get any other woman. Never go for impressing a single girl, instead include many woman in your life. This will give you a little experience and at the same time give you the confidence. By just showing the girl that there are many girls wanting you, but you are showing an extra interest in her will make her run after you.


Now is the time to make the girl miss you. Give her few surprises like giving her a soft toy or a photo frame with a picture of her. These are the things she will keep near her bed and in your absence this will make her think about you. Don’t always chat with her otherwise she won’t miss you. Whenever she is around you fill her life with happiness. Gifts play a major role in the art of attraction, hence on her birthday or dates give her some surprises.