Reason Why Some Women Die During Pregnancy & Ways To Avoid It

A woman’s pregnancy is an especially vulnerable and important time in her life. During this time, she experiences several physiological, psychological, and hormonal shifts….CONTINUE READING

Maternal mortality continues to be a major issue for healthcare practitioners worldwide, especially in poor nations. When women receive adequate prenatal care, nearly all of these tragedies can be prevented. In this piece, I’ll go over the causes of maternal mortality and some preventative measures.

According to healthline maternal mortality is a global public health issue since around 830 women die every day from complications related to pregnancy. Many more women, according to recent estimates, also experience health problems as a result of pregnancy. The majority of these fatalities occur in third world nations with inadequate medical treatment.

Pregnancy-related mortality is largely attributable to inadequate or nonexistent prenatal care. Pregnancy-related issues can be avoided or managed with early booking, the practise of reporting one’s pregnancy to a healthcare professional as soon as possible, and with regular prenatal care.

Many women’s lives have been lost due to pre-eclampsia, according to healthline. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, this syndrome is diagnosed when a woman has both high blood pressure and protein in her urine. Complications from pre-eclampsia, especially when it is severe, include organ damage, seizures, and coma. Pregnant women should have their blood pressure checked regularly by their healthcare providers.

Postpartum haemorrhage is another leading cause of maternal mortality. It’s a condition characterised by extreme bleeding after childbirth that, if left untreated, can prove fatal. This can occur if the uterus doesn’t contract after delivery, preventing bleeding, or if the woman has genital damage. Postpartum haemorrhage can be controlled with immediate therapies like oxytocin injections and physical removal of the placenta.

In addition, illnesses like sepsis—a potentially fatal disease in which bacteria or viruses enter the circulation and trigger the body’s response of high temperature and low blood pressure—are responsible for the deaths of some pregnant women. This is common in women who are experiencing a prolonged labour or who have an untreated urinary tract infection. Reduce maternal mortality by detecting and treating infections early.

Obstructed labour, complications from botched abortions, and pregnancy-induced hypertension are also leading causes of maternal mortality. When the baby gets stuck in the birth canal, it can cause obstructed labour. Both the mother and the newborn are at risk of contracting life-threatening infections and injuries during a prolonged and unattended labour. In countries where abortion is illegal and difficult to access, unsafe abortions are a leading cause of maternal mortality.

The good news is that maternal mortality is entirely avertable, and that pregnant women and new mothers just need to take a few simple precautions. Among these are;

One of the best ways to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery is to see a doctor often during your pregnancy. Maintaining a healthy pregnancy is greatly aided by scheduling early, going in for checkups frequently, and listening to the provider’s advise.

2.Eat a healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy. Eating well throughout pregnancy can help you stay at a healthy weight, keep your immune system strong, and avoid many potential problems. Pregnant women can get advice on a healthy diet from their doctors that’s tailored to their specific needs.

Low-impact workouts, such as prenatal yoga and walking, can assist expectant mothers maintain their fitness and health. The likelihood of a healthy pregnancy and delivery is enhanced by this.

Don’t drink or smoke while pregnant; these substances are harmful to mum and baby. To safeguard the safety of both mother and child, it is recommended that they be avoided during pregnancy.

5. Get Medical Attention Right Away If You Need It If you have any strange symptoms during your pregnancy or while giving delivery, you should consult a doctor right away. This can aid in avoiding problems and guaranteeing effective treatment.

The global problem of maternal mortality is still one of the greatest concerns we face today. Pregnant women should take important measures to protect themselves, and doctors should provide comprehensive prenatal care and timely interventions to detect and treat issues as early as possible. Maternal mortality rates can be drastically lowered with the help of prenatal and postnatal care, a good diet, and regular physical activity ….CONTINUE READING