Seven habits of the most energised people I know

A lot of people espouse the importance of time management.

But I’ve always found this uninspiring and impossible to follow.

What I found over years of figuring this stuff out, was that managing one’s energy is way more powerful.

At least, focus on optimising your energy first — as foundational.

If you can cut out the stuff that drains your energy and boost those things that do, your time-management tends to sort itself out. You become unstoppable.

These are the habits I’ve found connect many of the most energised people:
1. Spend a lot of time in physical motion.

How energised we feel is inextricably tied to how aligned we are to our natural behaviours.

Humans are not built to handle a modern, sedentary, ginormous ass-in-seat lifestyle. This is the main reason why everyone’s depressed these days.

Energised people do as our bare-chested ancestors did, and they keep moving. To be honest, I believe we’re all nomadic at heart.

Continually moving. Motion and exercise get the blood pumping and keep endorphins (happy chemicals) high.

You can’t ‘positive thinking’ your way to a good mood. You must dedicate a large chunk of your day to moving, even if it’s a walk.
2. Have simple routines.

The world can be a complicated environment, and complexity requires increased brain processing.

This inevitably uses up significant energy resources.

So, when we actively cut the unnecessary, reduce our options, and keep our lives and routines simple, we have less to focus on.

We can put more energy toward fewer things, which improves our performance in all areas, and we simply get better at life.
3. Reduce processed anything.

Processed food is bad for us and slowly makes us ill. There’s no processed alternative that’s any better.

It’s all shit. Cut it out.