Seven things you should never apply on your face

The face is a conspicuous yet delicate part of the body which is why people go the extra mile to make it smooth. But while trying to keep the face smooth, people turn to DIYs and don’t get cautious…..CONTINUE READING

Though these DIYs seem like the most affordable and natural way to get rid of facial problems, some are detrimental to your facial skin.

So here are some things you should never put on your face.
Antiseptic soaps

You might think antiseptic soaps are the best for your face as they kill harmful bacteria.

Truth be told, they won’t cure that acne or facial problems but do more harm than good.

Several studies have shown that these soaps wipe out the healthy bacteria in the face, irritating it and making it more sensitive to infections.

So it is advisable to rather use a mild face cleanser that suits your skin type.

Lemon is probably one of the most used natural ingredients on the face. Ironically, it is one of the ingredients to be avoided.

Lemon is highly acidic and can cause severe skin irritations and dryness, especially in people who have sensitive skin.

It has a chemical called psoralen and according to a study, psoralen makes you exquisitely sensitive to light and sun.

It activates in about 10 to 15 minutes, and it takes about 24 hours to wear off. So if you apply lemon and go out in the sun, you can end up leaving blisters on the face.

Ingredients used in formulating toothpaste are mainly for the teeth, not your face or skin!

None of the ingredients in the toothpaste are suitable for your face ranging from fluoride to triclosan.

Sodium lauryl sulfate, another ingredient often found in toothpaste, has been proven to cause potential risks to the face.

According to research, it can wipe off the natural oil in the face making it look dry and dull. Also, it allows acne-causing bacteria to get deeper into the skin by opening up the pore.
Coconut oil

Coconut oil is undoubtedly one of the natural moisturisers for the skin but not the face. This is because the facial skin is more delicate.

Using coconut oil on your face will only clog your pores and intensify the acne because it’s highly comedogenic. Particularly people with oily and acne-prone faces.

This is a popular household ingredient used on the face, particularly as an exfoliant.

However, the rough texture of sugar can cause micro tears while rubbing it on your face. This can lead to damage to the facial skin.

It can also cause irritation, dryness, and redness of the face.
Hot water

A hot bath seems to be relaxing but it’s not the best option for your skin and face.

It eliminates the natural oils and moisture balance on the facial skin. It also makes the skin dry which increases the chances to get infections.
Baking soda

Generally, baking soda isn’t harmful but it irritates the facial skin.

Washing your face with baking soda can remove the skin’s protective oil barrier, alter its pH, and disrupt the natural bacteria on the surface that help to prevent infection and acne.

This can leave you with stripped skin that’s prone to infection and breakouts…..CONTINUE READING