Sexual Behaviors That Should Be Avoided Because They’re Dangerous

Sexuality is an important part of being human, but there are certain behaviors related to sex that can be risky and harmful. Let’s talk about these in a simple way.

Unsafe Sex: A Risky Choice Having sex without protection, like condoms or birth control, is very risky. It can lead to infections and unplanned pregnancies. Always use protection to stay safe.

Multiple Sexual Partners: Risky Business Having sex with many different people can increase the chance of getting infections. It’s important to respect choices, but also talk openly about safety with your partner and get regular check-ups.

Consent is Key: No Means No It’s crucial to get clear permission from your partner before any sexual activity. If they’re not willing or seem unsure, stop immediately. Respect and communication are essential.

Unprotected Oral or Anal Sex: Hidden Dangers Oral and anal sex can be fun, but doing them without protection can spread infections. Use condoms or dental dams to stay safe.

Pornography Addiction: Escaping Reality Watching too much porn can make you forget what real intimacy is like. Balance your expectations and remember real relationships are different from what you see online.

Violence or Aggressive Behavior: Never Okay Violence or force in sex, even in BDSM, can cause harm. Always communicate, get consent, and respect boundaries to keep things safe and consensual. Violence is never acceptable.