Signs, Causes, and Treatments for Stomach Worms

Worms that enter the stomach and cause pain are known as intestinal worms. The majority of these may be treated with over-the-counter drugs and do not require hospitalisation. They can create issues including constipation, hunger, and other major health issues. Stomach worms manifest themselves in a number of ways, each with its own set of symptoms. It makes getting rid of intestinal worms tough. I will, however, explain what causes stomach worms and what foods can help you get rid of them.

Signs and symptoms.

Intestinal worms can induce a variety of symptoms, which might change from person to person.

Loss of appetite, lethargy, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and weight loss are some of the most typical indications and symptoms of intestinal worms.


Eating undercooked meat from an infected animal, such as a cow, pig, or fish, can cause intestinal worms. Intestinal worm infection can also be caused by the following factors:

1. The ingestion of tainted water

2. Consuming soil that has been contaminated.

3. Coming into contact with faeces that has been contaminated.

4. A lack of sanitation

5. Poor personal hygiene.

6. Roundworms are usually spread by coming into contact with contaminated soil or faeces.

The parasite enters your intestine after you swallow the contaminated material. They replicate and grow in the intestine after that. Symptoms may emerge once they proliferate and grow in number and size.

How to get rid of them.

Pinworms are killed by some over-the-counter medications. Anti-parasite medication may also be prescribed by your doctor. Albendazole is the most prevalent. Even if they don’t exhibit symptoms, everyone in your family should be treated. Often, two doses are required to ensure that the illness is permanently eradicated.

You don’t always have to do anything to get rid of a tapeworm. It has the potential to depart your body on its own. If your doctor discovers it, they can treat you with praziquantel or nitazoxanide. These will either kill or cause you to poop out the adult worms. They will not, however, kill the eggs, which could potentially cause illnesses. To make sure all the worms are gone, you’ll probably need to provide your doctor a stool sample for a few months.

Tapworm cyst infections are more difficult to treat. You may also require medication to treat inflammation or other symptoms, such as seizures, in addition to the tapeworm medication.

How Do You Prevent Worms?

It’s critical to wash your hands with soap and water before eating or handling food, as well as after using the restroom or changing diapers, to avoid becoming infected with either pinworms or tapeworms.

Here are a few more strategies to avoid them:

1. Trim your fingernails to a short length.

2. Take a daily shower or bath (in the morning is best).

3. Avoid scratching your anus or the area between your legs.

4. Wash your clothes and linens on a regular basis.