Simple Things to Prevent Mosquitoes and Malaria from Your Room Forever

Rain comes and goes but mosquitoes remain. Malaria is a serious public health challenge and over 100,000 people d!e every year due to Malaria. Lack of preventive system and affordable healthcare services complicate it and they we lose them.Continue Reading

Now that Malaria drugs have double even tripled in less than a year, it’s a challenge for middle to low income earners to manage. This is common in rural farming communities and we have a simple way of preventing mosquitoes in our rooms even while we are out at night listening to elders.

To prevent Mosquitoes and Malaria follow this simple steps
– You need Onions, please get red Onions

– Red Onions is the most potent of all Onions

– Slice it into tiny bits

– Get a clean water in a bowl or container

– Pour the sliced Onions

– Cover it and allow it to soak for 2-3 hours

– Sieve the water out and pour in a spray bottle

– Now, dust all your room corners and cloth hanger

– Then spray all your room corners, angles, under bed & anywhere mosquitoes can hide in your room

– Leave the room for 30minutes to 1hour

If you see any mosquitoes in that room till day break, come back here and I’ll give you 100k cash (No jokes).

Repeat the same steps again if you notice mosquitoes another time.

If you want to sit outside at night and you’re worried about mosquitoes bite
– Slice an onions in two

– Rub the onions on your open body part (legs, hand, neck etc)

– No mosquitoes will come near you till you’re ready to go inside.

Note – Contrary to what you might think about the smell, onion water doesn’t smell at all. You won’t even know you have such in your room.

Please share this with your friends and families. Sickness will not be our portion. Amen